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  • High Tide at C

    High Tide at C
    This Tutorial is written for, and dedicated to ConnieRae, Connie, you rock my forum and
    I love you for it X
    You will need
    PSP - I used X but this will work in any version :0)
    Animation Shop
    Tube of choice - I am using this gorgeous Mermaid of Jennifer Janesko, purchased on licence from CILM. In order to use this image you must visit them and purchase the appropriate package on licence.
    Bold Font of choice - I’m using Cornerstone Regular
    You will also need Xenofex 2 - Constellation
    a mask ( or 2) of your choice :0)- I don’t have permission to share the ones I used, sorry
    EyeCandy Glow is optional :0)
    OK Lets make a start - a new canvas sized at 600 x600, Floodfill with white.
    New Raster Layer, and Floodfill with a colour from your tube.
    New Raster layer, and Floodfill with a contrasting colour from your tube.
    Apply the mask of your choice on this layer, and then Merge the Group.
    I then chose a second mask, and applied it over the top of the first one, again Merge Group.
    OK, Select the font you chose, and have the foreground set to black, with a line width of 3 and the fill as one of the colours you used in the mask layer.
    Type out your first initial, the size of this will depend on the letter and font, I had to size at 750 for the *C*
    Whilst it is still a *Vector* - go to Objects > Align > Centre in Canvas
    * note - centring the letter may not work for all letters of the alphabet and will also depend on your tube choice *
    Once happy with the positioning Convert to Raster.
    OK -keep your letter as the active layer, Selections > Select All > Float > Defloat > Modify > expand by 3 pixels
    Add a new raster layer, and drag it below the letter on the layers palette, and floodfill this layer with black.
    Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of 3.
    On the top one, set the Xenofex Constellation as below :
    Repeat the same settings on both the other layers - but hit the random button each time.
    X out the bottom and middle layers for now :0)
    OK, Back to our coloured letter. grab your magic wand, and click inside the letter, then Modify > Contract by 2.
    Paste your tube as a new layer, and arrange it to your liking, making sure your tube is the active layer Selections > Invert,
    and hit delete on the keyboard,
    repeat again, using a different area of the letter and tube. Once happy,
    Merge your tube layers together, and change the blend to Luminance.
    Now paste your tube as a new layer, and arrange on or against your letter.
    Once I was happy with the placement, I added a small glow to the tube, with EyeCandy, but this is optional,
    you can use a drop shadow instead if you prefer :0)
    Add your © credits etc now.
    Finally, using the same font as before, but smaller. type out your name. I chose to use a contrasting colour
    from my tube :0)
    Once you have the name typed out, Image > Free Rotate > LEFT 90 degrees
    and place to the left hand side of the tag, add a small drop shadow if you like.
    Now we are ready to animate )
    Have all your layers open EXCEPT the bottom and Middle black letters you applied constellation on.
    go to Edit > Copy Merged
    Into AS, and Paste as New Animation.
    Back into PSP, and X out your top Constellation letter,
    and highlight and open the middle copy, Edit > Copy Merged
    Into AS, and Paste AFTER current frame.
    Back to PSP, and X out the middle one, open and activate the bottom one, Edit > Copy Merged
    Back into AS and again Paste AFTER current frame.
    Resize your tag if ness.
    Name and save as a GIF :-)
    This Tutorial was written by Kells for ConnieRae and on October 29th 2007.
    All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
    Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU.
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