KnKSDesigns-4-psp - Powered by vBulletin
  • Wild West

    For this tutorial you will need:
    PSP ( I have X, but this will work in any version.
    A tube of your choice - I am using * Wild West* by Martin Abel- available on licence from CILM In order to use this image you must visit them to purchase the appropriate package and licence.
    Mask - Blinds - is by Monti and you can get it from her wonderful site- enter her site, then look for the Masks link on the left :0)
    Animated Tile of choice - I used one from Motz Graphics site is no longer running, so please supplement with another tile of your choice
    Scrap elements / embellishments of choice - I used some from Sophisticated Scraps
    OK Open and minimise Monti’s mask in PSP.
    New canvas sized 650 x 650, and flood fill with white.
    Eclipse tool, set on foreground null, background a colour from your tube, and draw out a reasonable sized circle. Go to Objects > Align > Centre in canvas. Then Convert to a Raster Layer.
    Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image, then in the drop down menu, locate and select Montiblindmask1.jpeg. Have Source Luminance and Invert Mask Data checked, and apply the mask. On the layers pallet Merge Group.
    Duplicate your masked layer, and on the bottom one, apply a Gaussian blur of 15.
    Paste your Tube as a new layer, and arrange slightly over to one side ( which side is personal preference and will depend on which way your tube faces ) Add a drop shadow of your choice.
    Select your Rectangle tool, and have the foreground and background set to 2 colours of your choice - preferably both dark colours. For now, Null your foreground colour.
    Draw out a rectangle about 250 pix wide by 230 high ( this will depend on your choice of tube though )
    Move the rectangle into position so your tube is sitting / leaning against the edge of it. Convert to raster layer.
    Selections > select all > float > Defloat> modify > contract by 15 pixels, ( leave it selected please )
    New raster layer.
    Flood fill this raster layer with your second colour., Modify and contract by 3 pixels, and flood fill with the first colour, then contract by 3 pixels again and flood fill with the second colour.
    Select None. Go back to the original rectangle layer, and add a drop shadow of your choice.. - Leave your rectangle in 2 layers.
    Add any doodles and embellishments of your choice on and around the masked layer :0)
    X out your tube layer for a moment and then Merge Visible all the remaining layers.
    Open up your tube layer again, position so it’s the top layer in the layers palette.
    Grab your Text tool, and in a large bold font - such as Impact, type your first initial.
    Place in the centre of the rectangle, and use the nodes to stretch it out to fit the area nicely.
    Convert to a raster layer and apply a glass or bevel of choice, as well as a drop shadow.
    Use a second font - preferably a script styled one, and type out your whole name, and position just beneath the rectangle layer.
    Add all relevant copyright credits and taggers marks - Merge together your layers containing Tube, Initial, full name and credits - so we now have 2 layers and then we are ready to animate :0)
    Activate the Background layer, and Edit > Copy, take over to Animation Shop, and Paste as a New animation.
    We need to duplicate the tag, so it contains the same amount of frames as you animated tile, so Duplicate Selected until you have achieved this - I need 6 frames to match my tile.
    Once you have the correct amount of frames go to Edit > Select All > Edit Propagate Paste
    Then on your animated tile go to Edit > Select All, Edit Copy
    Over to your tag and Paste Into Selected Frame.
    You need to repeat this, lining up the edges of the tile each time, until your rectangle area is covered.
    Once that’s done, go back to psp, and Copy your top layer ( containing the tube and text )
    Paste as a New animation in Ani Shop, then copy again, and paste into selected frame on the main tag - Line up so your top layer is in the right position over the main tag - your Initial letter should fit into your rectangle still.
    View your animation and if you are happy, Name and save as a GIF File.
    This Tutorial was written by Kells
    for on March 19th 2008.
    All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
    Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU
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