For this tutorial you will need:
PSP - any version
Animation shop
Tube of your choice - my mermaid is by the wonderful Keith Garvey - you can purchase it on licence from MPT
Kit of choice - to match your tube. The Kit I have used is called Shades of Teal, and is by the very talented Baby Cakes - find this kit and more on her blog spot http://babycakesscraps.blogspot.com/
Mask of choice - Mine is by WeeScotsLass - its number 216 and can be found http://weescotslasscreations.blogspot.com/
OK lets get going :0)
Open and minimise all your supplies in PSP ( including your choice of mask )
We will start with a blank canvas at 650 x 650, flood fill with white.
Take the Frame from your scrap kit, and paste as a new layer. Position centrally on your canvas.
Paste a paper of your choice as a new layer - under the frame.
Click inside the frame, and selections > modify > expand > by 3 pixels.
Selections > Invert
Ensure that the paper layer is now the active layer, and on the keyboard hit delete.
Paste a second paper of your choice as a new layer - drag it so its directly above your white canvas layer.
Go to Layers > New Mask Layer > from Image. Use the drop down box to locate the mask you are gonna use, have source luminance checked, everything else unchecked, and apply.
On the layers palette, Merge Group.
Move the mask over to the left a little - so its showing from behind your frame, duplicate the layer, and then mirror it. Merge these 2 masked layers together.
Place your Tube on the tag as a new layer - arrange it within or against the frame as you like - Mine sits outside the frame, as though laying on it :0)
On a new layer add all copyright details, credits, taggers marks and licence details as appropriate.
Decorate the tag with embellishments of your choice - what you use and where makes the tag individual!
I also added a doodle ( not from the kit).
Add your name to the bottom of the tag in a font of your choice.
OK, now we need to merge some layers - this needs to be done carefully!
First of all, start with the top layer - and merge down to the layer below - repeat this until all the layers ABOVE your frame are merged together.- and merge them to the frame
- X out this merged layer.
X out the layer that contains the paper infill for the frame.
This should leave you with the white background, the masked layer and doodle layers if you used any - Merge Visible.
You should now have 3 layers.
First take the bottom one - the backgrounds, and Copy it over to Animation shop
Second take the paper layer and pastes as a new animation in Ani shop, then take the merged layer with the tube , credits, embellishments etc, and again, paste as a new animation.
In Animation shop you should now have 3 separate *tags *.
Go to the paper tag. This should just be the paper on its own.
NOTE - You may be able to see the edges of the paper at the sides of the canvas where its not cropped fully - don’t worry - we will remove this later :0)
OK, On the Paper layer go to Animations > Insert Image Effect and in the effects drop down box, select Underwater and have it at the following settings :

Where you can see the CUSTOMISE tab, click that and it will open a new window …..
This gets a little complicated now…….

Set the Sunlight density and water depth as shown on my screen shot above.
OK, on the screen shot, you can see my handy arrow pointing to the number 1 - this represents Wave 1.
Have Wave 1 set at X 9 and Y 10
Then, use the drop down box beside Wave to select Wave 2.
Set it to X 15 Y 14, then select wave 3, set at X 19, Y 19 ….
Repeat this process - wave 4 is X 25 Y 24, Wave 5 is X29 Y 30 Wave 6 = X 29 Y 24 and lastly wave 7 is X 10 Y 0. Just flick thru the other wave numbers quickly to ensure they are all on 0 an 0.
Once you have this done, click on the OK tab.
It will take a few seconds for the preview to generate and load - once it has, click OK.
OK If you look at your paper now, it has become a 14 framed animation
Go to the very first frame and delete it please - leaving you with 13 frames :0)
So, activate the tag that contains the background layers.
Duplicate this tag so it too has a total of 13 frames.
Now find the main tag - the one with the tube and everything else…… Edit Copy and then activate the paper frames - got to Edit > Select All > Edit > propagate Paste > Paste into Current Frame.
Now carefully line it up so your frame sits perfectly around your paper.
Now again, Edit > Select All > Edit Copy.
This time go to the 14 frames of the background and again Edit > Select All < Edit > Paste into current Frame.
Carefully drop the main tag onto the background - position centrally.
Now, lastly, to get rid of any of that paper at the edges we didn’t want - and excess white, carefully use the crop tool to remove the outer edges of the tag - cropping as close to the main tag as you can.
View your tag - If you are happy, name and save as a GIF :0)
This Tutorial was written by Kells
for KnKSDesign-4-psp.com on June 3rd 2008.
All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU