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  • Night before Xmas

    The Night Before Christmas
    PSP - I have X but any version will work
    Animation Shop
    SUPPLIES which include the scrap kit by Melissa ( shared with permission as per her ToU included in the files )
    Also included is the snow fall animation made by me - Please do not include with any other supplies without my permission.
    Tube of your choice, I have used the work of Elias Chatzoudis available on Licence from MPT - in order to use this image you must visit them to purchase the appropriate tube on licence
    OK Lets start with a canvas - 550 x 550 , Floodfill with white
    Take the green *Night before xmas* frame and paste as a new layer, centre in the canvas.
    Grab your magic wand, click inside the centre of the circle - Modify > expand > 8 pixels.
    Now grab one of the papers, and paste as a new layer, Selections > Invert - hit delete on the keyboard. Drag the paper down underneath the frame on the layers palette and merge visible .
    Take one of the flowery doily type elements and paste onto the tag to your liking. And merge visible again.
    Now grab the Triple Frame and paste as a New Layer.- Resize if needed ( I did mine at 90% )
    Magic wand ( set to Add/shift Tolerance 18, feather 0 ) and click inside each of the 3 frames, Modify > Expand > 5 pixels.
    Choose a different paper and paste as a New Layer, then Selections > Invert, and then hit delete on your keyboard, Select None, then drag the paper layer beneath the frames.
    Magic wand, and select inside your centre frame, Modify> Expand by 2 pixels.
    Paste your tube in and arrange to your liking, before Selection > Invert ( then delete on the keyboard)
    Repeat this for one of the smaller side frames, then a third time for the last frame.
    Once you are happy with it, Merge the 3 tube layers together and add a gentle drop shadow ( I used Vertical and horizontal set at1, and a blur of 2 )
    Add all your Copyrights and credits, then Merge all the layers together.
    Grab on of the buttons ( or a ribbon ) of your choice, and paste as a new layer resizing and positioning to your liking so they *hold* the frames to the tag.
    Paste the snow as a new layer, and use your deform tool to drag it out to fit the size of your tag. Add a drop shadow of your liking.
    In a font of your choice, put your name onto the snow drift.
    Merge All Layers together.
    Copy and then into AS and Paste as a New Animation.
    Duplicate til you have a total of 4 frames.
    Open the snow fall animation I provided, and Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy
    Activate the tag, and Edit > Select All > Edit > Propagate Paste > Edit > Paste INTO selected frame.
    Paste the snow onto the tag and then Animation > Frame Properties and change the number to
    30 before naming and Save as a GIF file :0)
    This tutorial was written by Kells on November 24th 2007, any similarities to any other tutorial is accidental, all ideas and concepts are my own, please do not distribute, copy or re-wrote my tutorial, see my TOU
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