KnKSDesigns-4-psp - Powered by vBulletin
  • Naughty Girls Dont Play Nice!

    For this tutorial you will need
    PSP ( I used 9, but will work in any version
    Animation Shop ( I used 3)
    Tube of choice, I have used the fabulous Pinup work of Rion Vernon, available from
    CILM. Unless you hold the appropriate licence to use his work, you must not use the same image as I have.
    Font of choice, i have used 911 Porche

    Also used is Free Filter Mura's Meister Copies
    New canvas sized at 500 x 500 white
    Copy & Paste your tube onto the tag as new layer, you may need to resize slightly, you can add a drop shadow if you like, add copyright and merge the tube & copyright layers together
    selct foreground colour from one of tubes,( I have used the red - #f60c0d )
    circle eclipse, line set to dot ( the diamond or dot dash line styles will also work well ) with a line width of 3
    draw out a circle thats fractionally smaller than your tube. drop your circle below the tube layer in your layers pallete, and Convert to raster.
    Now in your plug ins, select Muras Meister > Copies, and apply the following settings - note the background colour is the same colour you used to create your circle
    Apply a drop shadow to your circle layer using these settings
    You should now have something like this.....
    New Layer
    set your forground to black, and the background set to pattern, select the zebra style animal porint pattern.
    type out your name ( or desired text) in font of your choice, ( I used 911 Porche) size 72.
    Now colourize this text to match your tube ( Adust > Hue & Saturation > Colourise )
    Now staying on this layer, got to Muras copies again, same settings as before, but lower the Number from 10, down to 5.
    Position your name at the bottom of your tag and Merge Visable

    Edit > Copy, and then take into Animation Shop and Paste as new Animation
    Effects > Insert New Text Effect
    Click on Font to select your font and size - ive used the porche font again, sized at 22
    then click on the customise button and alter the number, the higher the number, the lower down the tag the text will appear - mine was set to 420 so it sat between the tube and my name, just play with that section til you are happy with it.
    Now just name and save as a GIF file!
    You can experiment and personalise this tag further by adding blings, or sparkles, as I have done here:
    I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
    Why not stop by to show me your results!
    This tutorial was written by Kells for KnKSDesigns, on May 27th 2007
    Any resemblance to any other tutorial is accidental.
    Please feel free to bookmark this tut ,print it out for your own use but under no circumstances are you to re-write it, copy it or claim it as your own.
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