PSP ( I used 9 - any version will be OK )
Animation Shop
Supplies( Blings by Roberta - TUsed and shared with thanks hon, your talent is way beyond me!! )
Tube of your choice - I have used Cherry, by Barbara Jensen- on Licence from HERE, if you dont have the licence - use anothe tube!
OK, New Canvas at 600 x 600
Floodfill with a gradient of your choice to compliment your tube.
Copy and Paste your tube onto your background, and arrange to your liking, add all the revelvant © credits.
I added my name to the tag at this stage because I am using it to cover a delicate area, LOL
Merge your tube and name layers together.
Duplicate your tube layer, and Image > Mirror
Open up the supplies folder, and copy my circle onto your tag - you will not be using this in the tag, it is for sizing purposes only!
OK place the circle on the tag to the top left of your tube. Use your magic wand to select inside the circle. Selections > Modify > Contract 1.
Now pull your duplicated tube layer into the selection, and once you have got an area you like go to Selections > Invert, then hit delete on your keyboard………Selections > Select None
Lower the opacity on this layer to 25.
Now you should have this
You can now delete the circle from your tag - we no longer need it J
Duplicate the layer, and raise the opacity to 50, then duplicate this layer and raise the opacity to 75 -
Position the 3 circles to your liking across the top of the tag
Close off the tube layer, and merge Visable the remaining layers.
Edit > Copy
Over to Animation Shop!
Paste As new Animation.
Because we are going to “Bling” it up, we need to duplicate the frame, so that our tag has the same amount of frames as the blings we use. If using the blings from my supply folder you will need a total of 21 frames, so Edit > Duplicate Selected, repeat til you have the correct number of frames!
Now open up the supplies I gave you.
Firstly, open the circular Bling - This Bling is Robertas, but I added the circle in and resized it for this tutorial.
Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy
Activate the tag we just duplicated….
Edit > Select All > Edit > Propagate Paste > Paste Into Selected Frame
Now position the bling so it circles the first of your head shots
Edit > Paste
And position it on the 2nd head shot… then repeat a third time for your third head……..
Now open up the 2nd Bling I supplied, and again, Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy
Activate the tag again, it should all still be selected, so Edit > Paste
And position the bling to your liking - I did mine so that it kinda falls from the first circle………
Edit > Paste, and position on the last circle ( or somewhere else of your choice )
Back over to PSP,
Open up yout Tube & Name layer, Edit > Copy
Back into Ani Shop, and Paste as new Animation ( this keeps it the right size )
Edit > Copy
Now activate the tag, and Edit > Paste……
Position your tube layer onto the tag to your liking.
That’s it all done!
Just name and Save as a GIF file J
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Why not stop by to show me your results!
This tutorial was written by Kells for KnKSDesigns, on June 8th 2007
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is accidental.
Please feel free to bookmark this tut ,print it out for your own use but under no circumstances are you to re-write it, copy it or claim it as your own.