Midnight Confessions
For this tutorial you will need :
PSP and AS ( I use psp 9 and as 3, but this should work for any version)
2 tubes of your choice, preferably one close up. I have used the Gorgeous Pin Ups Toons from Rion Vernon, available for use on licence from CILM Fancy script type font of your choice,
You will also need a mask and 2 blings of your choice, sorry I am not supplying the ones i have used :0)
No outside filters or anything!
Ok lets rock!………
Open up the supplies folder, and open, and minimise the mask in psp.
New Transparent image sized 450 wide by 650 Long.
Flood fill with a silvery gradient of your choice ( just using whatever comes with your version of psp is cool )
New Layer, and Floodfill with black.
Next we will apply the mask layer, so - Layers > New Mask Layer> From Image, then from the drop down menu, select our mask
On the layers pallet, right click, Merge > Merge Group.
On the tag, use your selection tool to select the box area of the centre of the tag.
Now, open and duplicate your close up image, close out the original to preserve it.
On the duplicate, go to Image > Grey Scale, Copy this, and paste as new Layer onto your tag.
Arrange it to your liking in the selected area, then Selections > Invert, and on the keyboard hit Delete.
On the layers palette lower the opacity to around 40%
Open up your second tube, Copy, then Paste onto the tag as New layer, position to your liking
Add the © credits now while you remember!
OK, next, select your fancy font, and type out the word midnight, Position it in the top centre box, and stretch it out to fill. Repeat this for the word Confessions, placing in the bottom box.
Drop shadow is personal choice, I did a simple thin white glow on mine, to get them to stand out from the dark gradient i used.
Next, type out your name, and rotate it round, then position it on the right hand side of the centre box. Add a white drop shadow at the same settings you used before
Now, Merge all layers. Copy the tag, and take it over to AS.
Open it up in AS by right clicking, and Paste as New Layer
Edit > Duplicate and repeat the duplication until you have a total number of frames, that matches the number of frames in your bling.
Now minimise it for a few minutes.
Open your bling,
Now, go to Edit >Select All> Copy
Then onto your tag.
Edit > select All > Edit> Propagate paste > Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame
Now drag it into position in one of the corner boxes.
Edit > Paste > Into Selected frame and position in another one of the corner boxes - repeat twice more so all 4 corners are “blinged”
Now Open a second bling of your choice. Once you have that, Paste it into the tag, same way as you did before, but placing it in the side bars this time, and repeat so you have blings on both sides - I flipped my bling, so they went in opposite directions, i also changed its colour to make it stand out more :0)
Now all you have to do is Save it as a GIF file and name it!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
This tutorial was written by Kells for KnKSDesigns, on May 16th 2007, and then re worked on November 17th 2008.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is accidental.
Please feel free to bookmark this tut ,print it out for your own use but under no circumstances are you to re-write it, copy it or claim it as your own.