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  • Kisses for Kitty

    #This tutorial has been written by me for a very special lady.One of my members came to me and asked if I could do something special for our Kitty, as shes always so lovely,and generous, her tags are awesome and always given with love.
    So Kitty,from me, on behaf of ConnieRae - I give you -
    Kisses for Kitty :-)
    You will need:
    PSP ( I have X but this will work in any version )
    Animation Shop
    Filter ( optional ) DSB FLUX - Bright Noise
    1 or 2 tubes from same artist. Iam using my all time favorite fairy artist - Joel Adams, his work is available on licence from CILM
    You can not use the same image as me unless you have the appropriate licence to do so :-)
    Font of choice
    My Supplies....which includes Mask from Roberta ( used and shared with permission ) and Bling - This bling, also by Roberta, was custome made for me especially for this tutorial and is NOT to be included in any other tutorials or supply kits without express permission from myself and Roberta.
    Also included is the heart charm from Melissa
    You may also want a ribbon of your choice - this is optional extra and not supplied
    Unzip my supplies, open and minimise the mask and heart charms in psp, and the bling in animation Shop.
    New canvas - white 600 x 600.
    Floodfill your canvas with a very light colour from your tube ( I used #fabc55 )
    New raster layer, and floodfill with a different colour form your tube, to contrast ( I used #af7939 )
    Now, Layers > New Mask Layer > in the drop down list,locate our mask - which is called Robertas_MD Mask 43 ( Source Luminance is checked )
    On your layers pallete, Merge Group.
    If you choose to use a ribbon and the heart charm ( or other embellishment of your choice, ) Now is the time to add it.
    I took a ribbon, and rotated it thru 45 degrees left, and placed it across the topleft corner. I then pasted one of the heart charms onto the tag, and colourised it to go with my tubes ( Adjust > Hue & Saturation - use the sliders to select a colour :-)
    Merge your ribbon and heart together and add a drop shadow of your choice ( I used Vertical -5, Horizontal 5, opacity 40, blur 5 colour black ).
    X out your main background colou, and merge together your ribbon and mask layers,
    This next stage is optional, if you do not wish to have your tag " noisy" then please skip along to the next paragraph :-)
    OK - Duplicate the mask layer twice, giving you a total of 3.- rename them,, from the top - Frame 1, Frame 2 frame 3.
    Activate frame 1....
    Effects > Plug Ins > DSB Flux > Bright noise > 40 and hit mix ONCE then OK
    activate frame 2, and apply the noise again - this time hit mix TWICE then OK
    activate Frame 3, and this timehit Mix Three times before selecting OK
    Now X out Frames 2 and 3 for the time being.
    OK - Now we are gonna add the close up tube in the background area - so open up your tube choice, and Edit > Copy... back to the tag, and making sure Frame 1 is the active layer, Edit > Paste as New Layer. Position and resize to your liking. ( Note : If you dont have a close up you wish to use, you can use your main tube, resizing it larger, and selecting a single area of it )
    Lower the opacioty of this layer to around 25 - this will depend on your tube choice and colours - so play it by ear and suit yourself :-)
    Almost there :-)
    Take your main tube now, and paste it onto your tag as a New layer. resize if nessessary, and position onto the right hand side of your tag.
    Add your copyrights and all credits now - Nice and clearly!
    Using your font choice ( Mine was GoosVibrationsROBScript ) have your stroke set to 2.0 width and take darker colour of your choice from your tube. fill is a nice bright colour form the tube, size at approx 125 ( dependant on font used and length of name ) and type out your name.
    Position to the bottom left side of the tag and add the same drop shadow as before.
    Make sure your Frames 2 and 3 and your background are all still X'd out.
    Layers > Merge > Visable
    Open your background layer.
    OK, Now we are gonna take this into Animation shop and get it working!
    Make sure you have your main tag, background layer and FRAME 1 all active, and go to Edit > Copy Merged.
    Flick into Ani Shop, Right click, and Paste As New Animation.
    Back into PSP. X out Frame 1, and activate and highlight Frame 2, Edit > Copy...flick into Ani Shop - this time Edit > Paste > AFTER current frame.
    Repeat this for Frame 3.
    If you opted not to have your tag " noisy" then you will only have one layer to paste into Animation shop, so you will need to duplicate it more times as you will stillneed a total of 12 frames forthe bling to work :-)
    OK, so now we are in A/S with 3 frames.
    Edit > Select All > Edit > Duplicate Selected> Edit > Select All > Duplicate Selected.
    You should now have a totasl of 12 frames.
    Open up your BlowKiss Bling, highlight the first frame 9 which is black) and delete that frame. Now Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy
    Back to your tag, Edit > Select All > Edit > Propogate Paste > Paste> INTO selcted Frame.
    Carefully line up the bling to your tubes mouth.
    Now View > Animation.... you should be looking at something like this:
    If you are happy File > Save As - give it a name and save as a GIF :-)
    This tutorial was written by Kells on July 18th 2007.
    All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any othe rtut out there is coincidence and accidental.
    Please do not copy, rewrite or distribute or translate my tutorials in anyway.
    Please read my ToU if interested in using them in your groups :-)

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