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  • Whispering Kisses

    Whispering Kisses
    For this tutorial you will need:
    PSP ( I have X, but this will work in any version.
    A tube of your choice - I used some work by Barbara Jensen - available on licence from her site HERE In order to use this image you must purchase the appropriate package and licence from her.
    - a close up facial shot works best for this tut :0)
    Scrap elements / embellishments of choice - I used some from Sophisticated Scraps -
    Optional Extra - Xenofex 2 - Constellation.
    New canvas sized 650 x 650, and flood fill with white.
    Copy and paste your tube / close up image and place over to the left of the canvas. Duplicate it, and on the bottom copy, add a Gaussian blur of 15.
    Take your eclipse tool, foreground a colour from your tube, background null, and draw out a rectangle that fits just around your tube. Position it if ness then Convert to raster layer then deleted the areas where the outline didn’t actually touch the tube…..Merge the out line and tube together then add a drop shadow of your choice.
    Grab your rectangle preset again, and draw out a smaller rectangle that fits between your tube and the right hand edge of the tag - you can either fill with a solid colour, or as I did, use a scrap paper.
    Select your rectangle and get them ants a marching! Contract your selection by 2, and paste your tube as a new layer again ( or duplicate the existing one )
    Position it over the rectangle so it highlights an area you like, then Invert and hit delete on the keyboard.
    Lower the opacity down to about 60, and select Luminance Legacy.
    Merge your tube to the rectangle.
    Take a doodle of your choice, and place behind the rectangle, and a bow of choice and place on the corner of it.
    In a font of your choice, add your name in the rectangle, across the bottom of it.
    Grab your font tool, with a Bold font such as Impact, in all capital letters in a striking dark colour from your tube type out your phrase of choice - my tube inspired me to use Whispering Kisses.
    Position to your liking at the bottom of the tag, and convert to a raster layer.
    Selections select all > Float > Defloat > Modify > expand by 2 pixels.
    New Raster layer, pull this layer below the phrase layer, and flood fill it with Black.
    If you are not animating, then all you have left to do is add your copyright credits and taggers mark, name and save it :0)
    To animate it……….
    Duplicate your black layer twice, for a total of three.
    On the top copy apply Xenofex Constellation with settings of your preference ( I set mine on 2, 60, 64, 0,100, 50 Keep original Image ) and hit random seed once
    On the middle copy - leave the settings the same, and hit Random seed again.
    Repeat for the last layer.
    X out your middle and bottom black layers.
    Edit > Copy Merged, then into Ani Shop and Paste as New Animation
    Back to PSP, X out the top layer, and activate the middle one, into Ani Shop, and Paste AFTER current frame.
    Back to PSP and X out your middle copy and activate the bottom one, over to Ani Shop and Paste AFTER Current Frame.
    View Animation, and if you are happy, name and save as a GIF file :0)
    This Tutorial was written by Kells
    for on March 19th 2008.
    All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
    Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU
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