This tutorial was written by Kitty on March 5, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended. Please do not claim my work as your own. Refer to my TOU at the top of my main tut page. This was written in PSP X and assumes you have working knowledge of PSP.
This tut is dedicated to my lovely noodle and fellow *Aires* (same day in fact!!!!!!!!!!) Wendy. You rock my friend!!
My tube is by Elias Chatzoudis and is availbe on licence from MPT, please only use if you hold the correct licence to do so.
This is going to be a fast, easy tut!
I have used three fonts, all of which you can get by googling.
Firecat, Flame, and GE Zodiac (which is your ding font for your shapes)
No other supplies are needed.
Filters used: EyeCandy 5 Nature, FireEyeCandy 5 Impact, Glass
Lets begin!!
Open a 600x600 white canvas. I have chosen two colors to compliment the tube. The green is abca39 and black. Set your fill to the green and your stroke to the black. Choose your GE Zodiac font and find your Aires symbol (lower case v). Stretch this out to your liking and convert to raster.
Using your magic wand, click inside the shape and apply an inner bevel with these settings:
Now apply EyeCandy 5 Glass, in settings choose Clear, no Dropshadow.
Back to your GE Zodiac font, switch your stroke and fill colors and draw out your ram. See my tag for size. Convert to raster, duplicate and mirror.
Place your tube where you like it and add a drop shadow of choice.
Now select your pre set shape, set at Rectangle, line width 3, stroke the same green, fill black. Draw out a rectangle around your images to your liking. With your magic wand, select your green outline and apply the same inner bevel and glass as before. Selections, select none.
Now duplicate your rectangle twice for a total of three.
On the original rectangle, apply EyeCandy 5 Fire at these settings:
On second and third layers, hit random seed once.
Now to get your font on the curve of the Aires symbol, draw out an Ellipse with your preset shape tool. Fill is NIL. Stroke 1 and a color you can see (it doesn’t matter because you will be deleting the ellipse). Once you have the ellipse lined up how you want it, DO NOT CONVERT TO RASTER. Instead, make your stroke NIL and your fill the green color, choose your Flame font and place your cursor on the ellipse until you see the A with a arc under it. Type out the phrase you wish to use. Repeat this for the other side of the symbol. Then click the + sign next to your word layers, in the drop down, click the eye next to your vector ellipse, then click the + again and convert to raster!
Now add your copyrights, please make sure they are clear and legible.
Add your name using the font FlameCat. Stroke 3 in the green, fill black. With your magic wand select the inside of the letters and apply the same inner bevel and glass. Selections, select none. Add drop shadow of choice.
Time to animate.
Just close out your second and third flame layers.
Copy merged into AS.
Close out your first flame layer, open the second, copy merge.Repeat for third layer.
View animation…happy?
Save as a GIF and you are done.
Save as a GIF and you are done.
Hope you enjoyed this tut!