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  • All I Want

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 14, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental and un-intended. This tut is registered with TWI. Please do NOT copy it!
    This tutorial was written for a special bubbleplum. She is my right hand plum and I greatly appreciate all she does not just for me, but for my forum! Connie, you rock!
    I am using the beautiful work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do not use her work unless you have a license. You can get her work and a license at CILM.
    Supplies: you will need Fee’s newest Christmas scrap kit.
    Please visit Fee at her awesome group at
    Thanks Fee, for all your hard work.
    Plug ins used:
    Alienskin Xenofex 2 Constellation
    Filters Unlimited 2 edge effects
    Eyecandy 4000 Gradient glow
    Let us begin!
    Open a 600x600 transparent image.
    Choose your first scrap paper and copy/paste. (I used paper 3)On this paper you will go to Filters Unlimited 2 and apply square edge effects:

    Now choose your second paper (I used paper 2) and copy on top of this one, reduce in size by 80% and give it a drop shadow of 1, 1, 50, 5.
    The rest of the tag is mainly placing your choice of embellishments as you prefer them! Be creative!! I will continue on telling what I did but feel free to go your own way!
    Now I chose the green journeling tag and used my pick tool to rotate it until I was happy with its placement. Add same drop shadow as above.
    Then I chose the beaded drop poinsettia and pasted in upper left corner. Duplicate, image, mirror. Same drop shadow.
    Now I chose pink poinsettia DC. Placed in lower left corner. Same drop shadow. Duplicate, resize by 50% and move over a bit. Duplicate your smaller one again. Place as you wish. X out all your layers now EXCEPT for the three poinsettias. Merge these visible and duplicate twice for a total of three layers. Apply Xenofex constellation with these settings.

    Now I chose the gold bauble hanger and rotated it 90 degrees. Place this over the poinsettias and hang as many or as few balls as you choose. I resized the balls until I was happy with their size. At least by 50%.
    Next I placed my tube and added same drop shadow as above.
    I then added the raster 12 layer from the kit…to go across the bottom. Resize this by 90 %.
    Now add your copyright information. Please make sure it is clear and legible!
    Add your name, I used the font A&S Black Swan. Color I used was d96170. Apply a gradient glow, 3, fat and white.Add whatever saying you wish to put on your journel tag.
    Now we are ready to animate!
    X out your second and third layers of poinsettias.
    Copy merged into AS.Go back and X out your first layer, un-x your second, copy merged and repeat for third layer.
    Check your animation! Happy?
    Save as a GIF and you are done!
    Hope you created something wonderful!
    ©Kitty November 14, 2007 Registered with TWI.

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