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  • Shadowed Diaz

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on January 8, 2008. Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended. This is my work, please do NOT copy it. It is registered with TWI. Please follow my TOU.
    This tutorial was written in PSP X and assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    Paula are a great source of inspiration to me, whether you know it or not. This ones for you
    I am using the Sultry work of Carlos Diez. Please do not use his work without a license. You may purchase his work and a license at CILM.
    SUPPLIES: you will need a mask and doodles of your choice. The silver doodles inside the mask i used are Rainbow Coffi and can be found under her things at PSP Playground. Membership is free. The mask is from Zuzzanna.
    Plug Ins:
    Filters Unlimited 2 Sandflower Specials Pool Shadow Framed (you can find this special addition for filters unlimited by googling)
    Let begin!
    Open a new 600x 600 canvas. Flood fill with white.
    Set your fill to 6070a1 or a color to match your tube.
    New raster layer, flood fill with this color.
    layers, add mask from disk, find Zuzzanna Mask 56, source luminance, fit to canvas, invert transparency and hide all mask are ticked. Apply. Merge group.
    Now take your selection tool and draw a rectangle around the filled center part of mask.
    Duplicate twice for a total of 3 layers.
    On layer one, apply Pool Shadow framed. Play with the radomize button until you like how it looks. Do the same thing on the next two layers. Try to make the random shadows compliment each other.
    Selections, select none.
    Add your tube. Crop the bottom of the tube if need be.
    Add your gold doodles to the inside of the mask. To colorize these, I selected all, float, defloat, new raster layer, flood fill with your choice. I used the silver metallic gradient. Selections, select none.
    Add your flower doodles. Duplicate, mirror. Duplicate flip, Duplicate, mirror.
    Now add your copyright. Please make sure it is clear and legible!
    Now add your name. I used the font Seven Swordsman. This is free and can be googled.
    I set my fill to the same color as the mask. Add an inner bevel of your preference. Add a gradient glow of 5, fat, white. Drop shadow of choice.
    Now to animate.
    X out your top two shadow layers.
    Copy merged into AS.
    Back to PSP. X out your first layer and un – X your second layer. Repeat with 3rd layer.
    Set animation speed to 30. View animation.
    Save as a GIF.
    Hope you enjoyed creating something wonderful!!
    ©Kitty, January 8, 2008
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