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  • Faces of Myka

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on January 12, 2008. Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended.Please do not copy my work or claim as your own. Refer to my TOU. This tutorial is registered with TWI.This tutorial was written in PSP X and assumes you have working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the wonderful unique work of Myka Jelina. Please do not use her work unless you have a license to do so. You can purchase her work and a license at CILM.
    SUPPLIES: included in my supplies are the mask and the flower charms. The mask is credited to Wee Scot Lass and you can visit her site - I cannot supply the preset shape I have used. If you do not have it, you can make your own or use one of your choice. You will also need a doodle of your choice.
    Plug Ins used:Eye Candy 4000 gradient glow
    Lets begin!
    Open a new canvas 600x600. Flood fill with white. Select your preset shape, Line width 2, stroke set to black. Fill is set to whatever pattern or gradient you prefer that matches your tubes. Draw out your shape and move to left side of canvas. With your magic wand, select the outline of the shape and apply an inner bevel of your choice. With your magic wand select inside each of the 3 ovals, Selections, modify, expand by 2. New raster layer. Flood fill with Black. Selections, select none. Duplicate and mirror.
    Moving back to the preset shape layer, working one at at time, select with your magic wand inside each oval and place the face of the tube you wish to use. When you are happy, go to selections, invert, delete. Selections, select none. Repeat this until all 6 ovals are filled with faces.
    Now choose your main tube and place in the center. Apply a drop shadow of 0,0,80,10 to your main tube AND your two preset shape layers.
    Activate your background layer. New raster layer. Flood fill with a pattern of your choice. I used a pattern called *Silver*.
    Layers, new mask from disk, Apply your WSL-74 mask. Source luminance, fit to canvas, hide mask are all ticked. Apply. Merge group.
    Now duplicate your mask layer twice, for a total of three layers. Go to Adjust, Add/remove Noise. First layer, add noise at Uniform, 50, monochrome is Unchecked. Second layer, change noise to 60. Third layer, change noise to 70.
    Now apply a doodle of your choice and place under all layers but on top of your white background.
    Add your flower embellishments and place them as you wish. Apply same drop shadow as used before.
    Now lets add our copyright, please make sure it is clear and legible.
    Add your name. I chose the color 2d2385 and the font Kingthings Gothique (you can get this font by googling). Apply your name, add a gradient glow of 3, fat, white. Apply same drop shadow as before.
    Ready to animate!
    X out your top two mask layers.Copy merged into AS. Returning to PSP, X out your first mask layer and UN-x your second. Copy merged. Repeat for third layer.
    View your animation.
    Save as a GIF and you are done!
    This is a great way to show off one of your favorite artists! Hope you enjoyed creating!!
    ©Kitty January 12, 2008
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