This tutorial was written by Kitty on March 8, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended. Please do not copy my work or claim it as your own. You may refer to my TOU at the top of my main tut page.This tutorial was written in PSP X with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the stunning work of Myka Jelina. Please do not use her work without a license. You can get her work and a license at CILM.
SUPPLIES for this tutorial include a mask made by Kells. Please do NOT change the file name or share this mask without permission. Kell’s can be contacted through this forum.
You will also need an image AND tube of choice.
Plug Ins used:
Alienskin Xenofex2, constellation
Eyecandy 4000 gradient glow
This is a fast, easy tut with cool results!
Lets Begin! Open a 600x600 white canvas.
Copy and paste your IMAGE onto the canvas and apply your Kells mask, Source Luminance, Fit to layer, Invert mask data and hide all mask are all ticked.
Now activate your white background, apply new raster layer and flood fill this layer with black.On this black layer, apply the same mask, same settings. Make sure this mask layer is under your image mask layer.You can now decrease the opacity of your image mask layer to about 85.
Now duplicate your BLACK mask layer twice for a total of 3.
On the original apply Xenofex 2 Constellation with these settings:
For layers 2 and 3 hit random seed once.
Place your tube now, where ever makes you happy. Apply a drop shadow of choice. I also applied a light drop shadow to the IMAGE masked layer.
Now add your copyright, please make sure it is clear and legible!
Add your name. I used Seven Swordsman font with fill set at 42226d to match my tube. I also applied a gradient glow of 10,25,100, fat, white. Add same drop shadow as above.
Now its time to animate!
Hide your top two black mask layers and copy merged into AS.
Hide your bottom layer and unhide layer 2 and copy merged into AS.
Repeat for layer 3.
View animation. Happy?
Save as a GIF and you are done!
Hope you enjoyed this wee quick tut!!!
©Kitty@KnKSDesigns March 8, 2008