KnKSDesigns-4-psp - Powered by vBulletin
  • Keltic Kelli

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on March 5, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Please do not claim it as your own work! Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended.Please refer to my TOU at the top of my main tut page.This tutorial was written in PSP X and assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the fabulous work of Myka Jelina. Please do not use her work without a license. You can get her work and a license at CILM.
    I used the Celtic Patterns ding font to make her *seat*. You can find this ding font by googling.
    Plug ins needed:
    EyeCandy 5 Textures, Marble
    Alienskin Xenofex 2 Constellation
    EyeCandy 4 gradient glow
    Filters Unlimited 2, edge effects
    Lets being!
    Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    Find your Celtic Patterns ding font and set your stroke to NIL and your fill to a color matching your tube (I used 491177). For the pattern I used hit lower case y. Stretch this out across the bottom of your canvas to form a *seat*. Convert to raster. Apply an inner bevel:
    Then apply a gradient glow of 5, 25, 100, black halo.
    Apply drop shadow of 2, 2, 50, 5
    Apply a second gradient glow of 3, 25, 100, fat, white.
    Drop shadow again.
    Now place your tube where you would like it to go.
    Add a gradient glow 3, 25, 100 fat and white. Apply a drop shadow of choice. I used perspective shadow lowest.
    Open your preset shape tool, set to rectangle. Line width 5, stroke Black, fill set to the same color you used in your ding.Draw a square around your tube and ding, see my tag for size. With your magic wand select the inside of the square.
    Apply Eyecandy 5 Textures, Marble Veiny/Thick veins with these settings:

    Lower the opacity to 70.
    Activate your white background. Add new raster layer. Flood fill with Black.
    Apply Filters Unlimited 2 Edge effects, square 01.
    Now duplicate this black layer twice for a total of three.
    Apply Xenofex2 Constellation to the original layer with these settings:
    For layers 2 and 3, apply constellation again hitting random seed once on each.
    If you have any corner pieces you would like to add do so at this time!
    Add your copyrights now, please make sure they are clear and legible.
    Add your name. I used Moondance2 font, black fill, gradient glow of fat,white and drop shadow.
    Time to animate!
    Hide your top two black layers and copy merged.Paste into AS.
    Hide your first layer, unhide your second and copy merged into AS. Repeat for 3rd layer.
    View animation. Happy?
    Save as a GIF and you are done.
    Hope you enjoyed creating!!
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