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  • Language of Love

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on January 20, 2008. Any resemblance to any other tutorial in coincidental and unintended. This is my work, please do NOT claim it as your own. It is registered withTWI. Please read my TOU at the top of my tut page before continuing. This tutorial was written in PSP X with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the exotic work of Keith Garvey. Please do not use his work unless you have a license from MPT to do so.
    SUPPLIES: include my mask (please do not share without permission) and the heart charm. I got the charm through a group at some point. If it is yours please contact me and I will remove or credit it immediately! The heart swirl frame is Rainbow Coffi and can be found at PSP Playground. It is free to join.
    PlugIns used:
    Filters Unlimited 2
    DSB Flux Bright noise
    Let us begin!
    Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    New raster layer>flood fill with black.
    Apply Filters Unlimited 2>Buttons&Frames>Round Button.
    Apply a slight inner bevel.
    Now copy and paste my mask onto the black button. Resize if needed.
    Apply Rainbow’s heart swirl frame.
    Resize to fit nicely inside the button. See my tag for reference. Apply a Gradiant glow to the frame of 3>Fat>White.
    Paste your tube into the frame and use your eraser to clean up the bottom edge.
    Place your heart charms in a semi-circle around the top.
    X out all layers EXCEPT the hearts and merge visible. Duplicate the merged layer and flip. Merge visible the two hearts layers. Duplicate this merged layer twice for a total of three.
    On your first heart layer, apply DSB Flux Bright noise>50>mix. On your second layer, hit mix twice. On your third layer, mix three times. Open all your layers now.
    Apply your copyright now. Please make sure it is clear and legible.
    Add your name now. I used International Palms font. Stroke 1 black, fill is bd1003 (or color to match your tube). Apply same gradiant glow you used on frame. Drop shadow 2, 2,50,5.
    Time to animate.X out your top two heart layers. Copy merged into AS. Return to PSP, X out your first heart layer, UN-X your second layer and copy merged into AS. Repeat for third layer.
    View your animation. Happy?
    Save as a GIF and you are done!
    Hope you enjoyed creating!
    ©Kitty, January 20, 2008
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