This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 7, 2007.
Any similarity to any other tutorials is a coincidence and entirely un-intended. This is my work. It is registered with TWI. Please do not copy it.
This tutorial was written in PSP X.
To a few certain ladies…you all know who you are….thanks for pushing me!☺
I am using the gorgeous work of Carlos Diez. To use his work you must purchase a license at CILM.
The render used is a FTU render by Darren Hiles. You may visit his site by clicking on his name. Please make sure you follow his TOU and credit the render on your tag. The proper credit on the tag should read: Render © Darren Hiles,, DHFTU. This is in addition to your tube copyright.This render was a one of a kind free to use and share done by Darren.
My supplies HERE. This includes your preset shape. Put this in your Preset Shapes folder in PSP.
Font of choice. The font I used is called Battlelines.
Filters used: Eyecandy 5 Glass, DSB Flux bright noise, Lokas Shadow 3D
Let us begin!
Open a 600x600 transparent image. Flood fill with white.
Open your Darren Hiles render and colorize to match your tube. I used hue 154, saturation 115.Select your paw preset shape. Line width 5 ( STROKE color 4e75b8 if you are using the cat tube), or a stroke to match your tube, FILL ..go into patterns and select your Darren Hiles Render.Draw out a large paw with toes facing to the right. Convert to Raster. Go to Effects, Eyecandy 5 Impact, Glass. Choose the Clear setting.
Click ok.
Draw a smaller paw with toes facing to left. (see my tag)Convert to raster. Duplicate and move down so you have two. Place these as you wish. Again, do the eyecandy 5 glass effect.X out your white background.Merge visible your paws.Give them a drop shadow of choice. I used Lokas 3D shadow with these settings:
Now duplicate your merged paws layer. On the original layer go to Effect, Distort, Twirl. Set Twirl at 720 and click ok.
Now duplicate your Twirl layer for a total of THREE layers.
X out the top two layers.
On the first layer, go to DSB Flux Bright Noise and apply at 45, mix once.
Second layer, 45 mix twice.
Third layer, 45, mix three times.
Now place your tube as you wish on the tag. Give it the same drop shadow as used earlier. Apply your credits and text now. Please be sure all your copyright information is visible and clear! And do not forget to credit Darren for the render!
For the font, I used Battlelines, stroke nil, render pattern for fill and applied Eyecandy 5 Glass at same settings as earlier. Give a light drop shadow.
We are ready to animate now!
X out your top two copies of the DSB Flux layer.Copy merged into Animation Shop.
Back to PSP, x out first layer and un-x layer two. Copy merged in AS. Repeat same for third layer.View your animation.
Happy? Save as a gif and you are done!
You may print this tut for your personal use.
© Kitty November 7, 2007