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  • Soulful Eyes

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 21, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is a coincidence and un-intended.This tutorial is registered with TWI. Please do NOT claim it as your own.
    A working knowledge of PSP is needed.This was written in PSP X but will work with others.
    I am using the gorgeous work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do NOT use her work unless you have a license. You can buy her work and a license at CILM.
    SUPPLIES:Not supplied but you will need a mask and flowers. Mask I used is Zuzzana_34
    Plug Ins needed: Xenofex Alienskin Constellation
    Let us begin.
    Open a 600x600 transparent image.
    Flood fill with c3cdcd (or a lighter color to match your tube).
    New raster layer. Flood fill with 005d9d (or a darker color from your tube).
    On your dark blue layer, go to Layers>Load mask from disk.Apply your Zuzzana_34 mask with these settings: source luminance checked, fit to layer checked, hide all mask checked. Click ok. Layers, merge group.
    Now take your selection tool set on rectangle. Carefully draw the selection around the light filled center of the mask.Copy and paste your tube. Place it where you want it within the selection. Invert, delete on tube layer.
    With your mask layer selected go to Effects> Illumination effects>Sunburst. Apply with these settings:
    Now open your flowers and select the color you wish to use. Copy and paste into bottom left corner. Apply drop shadow 1, 1, 55, 3.
    Now on your mask layer, take your freehand selection tool. Settings: Freehand, Add(shift), 0, 0, anti anti-alias checked. Draw a selection around each of the *starbursts* on the mask (see my tag for reference). Once you have drawn around each of them, duplicate your mask twice for a total of three layers.
    On the first layer, go to Xenofex Constellation and apply with these settings:

    Repeat application on layers 2&3 hitting random seed once on each layer.
    Now apply your copyright information. Please make sure this is clear and legible!
    Now for your name. I used the darker blue for my stroke and lighter for my fill. Stroke 1. I used the font BeauRivageOne. Apply a gradient glow set on 3, fat, white. Add drop shadow from before.
    Ready to animate!
    X out your top two mask layers.Copy merged into AS.Back in PSP, x out your first mask layer and un-x your second.Repeat for third layer.
    View your animation.Happy??
    Save as a GIF and you are done!!
    Hope you enjoyed creating something of your own!
    ©Kitty, November 21, 2007
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