This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 13, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is entirely coincidental and un-intended. This is registered with TWI. Please do NOT copy it!
This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.It is written in PSP X but will work in others.
Krissy, my giggly girl..this one is for you! I cannot thank you enough for always making me laugh! You are truly a good and forever friend! Hildy loves you giggly girl.
Supplies: includes preset shape, mask, render.
Mask from Essex Girls
The render I am using is © to Darren Hiles. This was a one off FREE use and free share render. If you choose to use the included render you MUST include Darrens copyright information on your tag. It should read:Render ©Darren Hiles DHFTU.Save your mask in your psp mask folder and your preset shapes in your preset shape folder. The background water picture came from Melisa at Pop over and see her, she has awesome tuts and such!!!!
This is in addition to your tube copyright and is allowed with CILM artists.
I am using the wonderful work of Dave Nestler. Please do not use his work unless you have a license. You can get his work and a license at CILM.
Plug Ins used:
Filters Unlimited 2 edge effects
Eyecandy 5 Impact Glass
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow
I cannot share with you the animated water picture I am using. You will need a water picture of choice. Many plug ins can be used to animate water! This is why a working PSP knowledge is needed for this tut. Be creative!!
Ok, Let us begin.
Open a 600x600 transparent image.
New raster layer, flood fill with color from your tube. I used 4b6a3c. Find your mask and load mask from disk using these settings:
Merge Group.
Still on your mask layer, go to Filters Unlimited and use the square edge effects on this setting:
Decrease opacity to 70 or whatever you prefer.
Now open your render and colorize to your preference. Again I colorized based on the green. Set your render as your background color. Stroke NIL. Find your preset shape and draw in center of canvas. See my tag for size.Apply eyecandy 5 glass with these settings:
Now copy and paste your tube. If you wish your tube to be coming out of the shape as though she is in the water, place her as you like. Then click your magic wand inside your preset shape, invert and take your eraser brush on your TUBE layer and erase the bottom so she appears to be emerging. Selections, select none when you are done.
Now open the picture you have chosen to use as your background and paste. Put this layer behind your tube and preset shape so that it fits nicely inside.
If you wish to animate the water in your picture, you will duplicate this layer twice for a total of three.
New raster layer, send to bottom. Flood fill with white.
Now add your copyright information. Please make sure it is clear and legible! And don’t forget to copyright your render if you are using it!
Apply your name. I used Black Wolf font. Fill set to render, stroke NIL. Apply eyecandy 5 Glass as before. Add a gradient glow, 3, fat, white. Add a drop shadow of choice.
If you are not animating you are done! Merge and save as PNG or JPEG. If you are animating, apply your animation now and move to AS per your choice. I hope you have enjoyed making your own creation!
©Kitty, Registered TWI, November 13, 2007