This tutorial was written by Kitty on February 19, 2008. Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidental and un-intended. Please do not claim my work as your own. This tutorial is registered with TWI. Please refer to my TOU at the top of the page. This tutorial was written in PSP X and assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the gorgeous work of Myka Jelina. Please do not use her work without a license. You can get her work and a license at CILM.
For supplies you will need a preset shape of choice, butterfly tubes of choice, and doodles of choice.
Filters needed:
VM Extravaganza Transmission
Filters Unlimited 2 Render
Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass
Lets Begin!
Open a 600x600 white canvas.
Select your preset shape you wish to use. Set your stroke color to black and your fill is 1d8a88 (although this wont matter when you apply filters unlimited). Draw out a large shape and convert to raster. Select your black line and give it an inner bevel of choice. Select inside all parts of your shape and go to Filters Unlimited 2> Render> Plasma. Click the colored box at the bottom and it will bring up other plasma color choices. I chose #2. I then hit Random until I liked the way the preview looked. Hit Apply once you are happy. DO NOT DESELECT YET. Go to Eyecandy 5 Impact Glass and apply Clear, no shadow option. Selections, select none.
Now duplicate your shape layer. On the ORIGINAL layer apply Gaussian Blur set at 20.00.Then VM Extravaganza Transmission set at 6,0, 40.
Apply a drop shadow of choice to the duplicated layer.
Apply your doodles of choice and place them below the shapes layers.
Colorize and add your butterflies as you like. I colorized mine based on the color 1d8a88.
Add the same drop shadow you used before.
Now add your copyright. Please make sure it is clear and legible!
Add your name. I used the font Saliere. Stroke 1, 1d8a88. Fill 91037b. Apply drop shadow.
Happy with your tag?
Merge Flatten and save as a PNG or JPEG and you are done!
I hope you enjoyed this tut!
©Kitty@knksdesigns February 19, 2008