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  • Glassy Flowers

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 28, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental and un-intended.This is my creation, please do NOT copy it or claim it as your own. It is registered with TWI. All of my tutorials are written in PSP X and assume you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the adorable work of Dean Yeagle. Please do not use his work if you do not have a license. You can buy a license and his work at CILM.
    SUPPLIES Included: doodle. The preset shape is standard to PSP and called Flower2. The flowers are by Rainbow Coffi and can be found at PSP Playground. It is free to join.
    Plug Ins Used: Eyecandy 5 Impact, GlassEyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow
    Lets begin!
    Open a 600x600 image and flood fill with white. Choose a color that matches your tube ( I used d90000 ). Set this color to fill. Stroke is NIL. Find your preset Flower shape you wish to use and draw a large flower on your canvas. Objects>Align>Align Center. Convert to raster layer.
    Apply your inner bevel using these settings:
    Now apply EyeCandy Glass with these settings:
    Apply a light drop shadow of choice. Duplicate this layer. On the original (NOT the duplicate) go to Effects>Distortion effects>Twirl. Set at 720. Click ok.
    Now colorize this layer to another matching color from your tube. (I used 287dd3)
    Open your doodles and select one, colorize it to your choice. Place under both shape layers. Duplicate doodle, Image Mirror, Duplicate, Image Flip, Duplicate Image Mirror. This should place your doodle nicely around the shape.
    Open your flowers and colorize as you wish. Apply EyeCandy Glass, same settings as above. Add a light drop shadow. Place on either side of your shape.
    Now add your tube of choice. Add a light drop shadow.
    Add your copyright information now. Please make sure it is clear and legible!!
    Now for your name. I used the font A&S Puff Daddy. Apply the same inner bevel and glass to your name. Then add a Gradient glow of 10,25,100 Color White, Fat. Add a drop shadow 1, 1,55,3. Save as a JPEG or PNG and we are done!
    ©Kitty, November 28, 2007
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