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  • Golden Rose

    This tutorial was written by me on November 10, 2007. Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidence and un-intended. This is my work. Please do NOT copy it. It is registered with TWI.
    This was written in PSP X and assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP. I am using the gorgeous work of Olivia. Please do not use unless you have a license to do so. You can get her work and a license at CILM.
    My supplies include an awesome scrap kit by Melisa.Please visit Melisa’s blog and scrap site HERE and her incredible tutorial site SatynSheetz.
    The kit I used is no longer available, but I was given full permission to share it with this tutorial - Thanks Melisa :-0)
    Plug in: Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow
    Let us begin!
    Open a 600x600 transparent image and flood fill with white.
    Open your scrap kit.
    Copy and paste paper layer 3 onto your white background.Copy and paste paper layer 6 on top of this and resize by 80%.
    Now choose your layer 15 gold border and paste onto papers.Resize this border by 80%. Place at bottom and trim off edges with your selection tool. Duplicate and flip. Duplicate again and rotate 90 degrees. Place on side, duplicate and mirror. Once you have these trimmed and set how you like them move on to the embellishments.
    I chose to use layer 12 embellishment. Resize by 50% twice and then go to adjust, sharpen. Place on top corner. Duplicate and mirror. I used my pick tool to rotate them slightly.
    Then choose your layer 16 embellishment and paste under all layers EXCEPT the gold foil paper. Place as you wish. Duplicate, mirror and flip. I chose to use the gold bow, resized by 50% and placed top center.
    Now paste the tube you have chosen.
    Give this tube an eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow with this setting:

    Add a heavy drop shadow.
    Now add your copyright information. Please make sure it is clear and legible.
    For my name, I used Snagglepuss font. Stroke 1 black, fill metallic gold02 gradient with these settings:

    Add a Gradient Glow, 3, fat, white. Add a drop shadow of your choice.
    Merge flatten all layers and save as a jpeg or png!
    Hope you enjoyed making your own creation! ©Kitty November 10, 2007
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