This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 29, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended.This is my work, please do NOT copy it. It is registered with TWI.All my tutorials are written in PSP X with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP. I am using the work of Scott Blair. Please do not use his work without a license from MPT. SUPPLIES: Not supplied but you will need -preset no shape, mask of your choice. Plug Ins needed: Eyecandy 5 Impact, glass Open a 600x600 transparent image.Choose two colors from your tube ( I used e18840 for stroke and c03322 for fill).Draw out your preset shape. Using your magic wand, choose the outline of the shape and apply an Inner bevel with these settings: Selections, select none. Using your magic wand again, select the inner portions of your shape and apply eyecandy 5 glass using Clear no dropshadow default setting. New raster layer. Flood fill with the stroke color you used.Go to Layers>load mask from disk> find your mask.Source luminance checked, invert transparency UNchecked, fit to layer, hide all mask, click ok. Merge group. New raster layer. Flood fill with black and send to bottom. Choose the portion of your tube you wish to use inside the circle. Copy and paste. Erase over hang from outside the circle. Decrease your transparency to 50% on the tube. Copy and paste your main tube and place as you wish. I added a gradient glow of 3, 25, 100, color the fill color from the circle set at Fat. Add a light drop shadow. Now select your preset shape tool set to Ellipse. Draw out a circle inside the fill of your No shape (see my tag). DO NOT convert to raster. Select your font ( I used Arkham) and move your mouse over the vector ellipse until you see the A with the curved line under it. Type out your saying you wish to use. Now click the + sign next to your vector ellipse. Click the x next to the circle leaving the font visible. Now you can convert to raster and only have your text shown. I added a gradient glow to the text. 3, white and Fat. Now add your copyright. Make sure it is clear and legible!! Now for your name. I again, used the Arkham font in black. Add a gradient glow same as above. Merge flatten and save as a JPEG or PNG. Hope you enjoyed creating! ©Kitty, November 29, 2007 |