KnKSDesigns-4-psp - Powered by vBulletin
  • He Loves Me Not

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on March 8, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended. Please do not copy my work or claim it as your own. You may refer to my TOU at the top of my main tut page please. This tutorial was written in PSP X with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the gorgeous work of Jessica Dougherty. Please do not use her work without a license. You can get a license and her work at CILM.
    SUPPLIES: Mask by Kells. Please do not share this mask without permission. Please keep the file name intact. You can contact Kells through this forum. Also i hairflare mask. I got this through a share, so am unable to share it, sorry!
    You need no other supplies or outside plug ins for this tutorial. It’s a very quick and easy one with beautiful results!
    Lets begin. Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    Flood fill with black.Apply Kells Mask, source luminance, fit to layer, hide all mask ticked. With your magic wand set at Tolerance 20 , Add(shift), feather 0 click inside the circle of the mask. Selections, modify, expand by 2. INVERT. Apply the tube you wish to you and with your eraser tool erase the bottom part that hangs over. Selections, select none.
    Activate your white background layer.Apply new raster layer. Flood fill with 778d9f (or a color to match your tube). Apply the hairflare mask, source luminance, fit to layer, INVERT, hide all mask ticked.
    And that’s it!
    Add your copyright, please make sure it is clear and legible!

    Add your name. I used AllisonROB font, stroke 1 black, fill 778d9f. Add a light drop shadow.
    Merge all flatten and save as a PNG or JPEG!
    Hope you enjoyed this quick, simple tut!
    ©Kitty@KnKSDesigns March 8, 2008
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