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  • Handle With Care

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on January 8, 2008. Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidence and un-intended. This is my creation and is registered with TWI. Please do NOT copy my work. Please read the onsite TOU if you have any questions. This tut was written in PSP X and assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the stunning work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do NOT use her work unless you have a license to do so. You can purchase her work and a license at CILM.
    SUPPLIES: included is my mask. I made this mask. If you have another use for it, you may use it or share it.
    Lets begin!
    Open a 600x600 image. Flood fill with white.
    Open your mask and paste as new layer. Colorize if needed.
    Open and paste your tube of choice as new layer. Position as you want and add a light drop shadow.
    Set your fill color to 6f7e9a or a color that matches your tube. Set your stroke to ced6dd.
    Now select the font Babylon Five Hollow or another similar font of choice.
    Type your words *HANDLE WITH CARE* and postion across your tube.
    Add a gradient glow of 3, fat, white.
    Add a light drop shadow to make the word pop out.
    For the word *FRAGILE* I chose the font Beau RivageII. This is a pay font. If you do not have it, choose something similar. Set your fill to white and your line stroke 5 to the color matching your tube. Apply a gradient glow, 3, fat, color set to your blue or matching color. Add a drop shadow.
    If you wish to use a preset shape under your tube, select one that looks good with the tag. Fill color set to the color from your tube, stroke white. Using your magic wand, select inside the present shape and apply Eyecandy Glass, clear, no drop shadow default settings. Apply Gradient glow, 3, fat, white. Add drop shadow.
    Now add your copyrights, please make sure they are clear and legible!
    Add your name!
    Save as a png or jpeg and you are done!!
    Nice and easy! Hope you enjoyed!!
    ©Kitty, January 8, 2008
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