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  • Sasha Masked

    This tutorial was written on January 8, 2008 by Kitty. Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidence and un-intended. This is my work, please do NOT copy it. It is registered with TWI. Please follow my TOU.
    This tutorial was written in PSP X and assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the fabulous work of Myka Jelina. Please do not use her work unless you have a license. You may purchase her work and a license at CILM.
    SUPPLIES: included are two masks. You can visit Zuzzanna at her site - You can visit WSL’s site -
    Plug Ins Used:
    DSB Flux Bright Noise
    Eye Candy 4 Gradient Glow
    Lets begin!
    Open a 600x600 image. Flood fill with white.
    New raster layer, flood fill with 8b040b or a dark color matching your tube.
    Apply the WSL Mask 36 to this layer. Layer, mask from disk, Source Luminance, fit to canvas, hide all mask ticked. Apply. Merge group.
    Duplicate this mask layer twice for a total of 3. On your first layer, apply DSB Flux Bright noise set at 75, click darker once. On second layer, click darker twice. Third layer, darker 3 times.
    New raster layer. Flood fill with black.
    Apply mask Zuzzanna mask 60. Same settings as before.
    This layer should be UNDER your three red mask layers.
    Add your tube and place where you like. Add a gradient glow, 3, white, THIN to your tube. Add a light drop shadow.
    Now add your copyright, please make sure it is clear and legible.
    Now add your name. I chose the font Black Wolf. Fill set to the red of the first mask. Stroke nil. Now add an inner bevel to your font with these settings:

    Now add a gradient glow, 5, fat, white.
    Add a drop shadow.
    Ready to animate?
    X out your top two red mask layers. Copy merged into AS.
    Back to PSP, X out your first mask layer and un-x your second layer. Repeat for 3rd layer.
    View Animation.
    Happy? Save as a GIF and you are done!
    Hope you enjoyed creating something wonderful!
    ©Kitty, January 8, 2008
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