This tutorial was written by Kitty on November 21, 2007. Any resemblance to any other tutorial in coincidence and un-intended.This tutorial is registered with TWI. Please DO not copy it or claim it as your own! Named by and written for Trishy :P My tutorials require a working knowledge of PSP. They are written in PSP X but will work in others. I am using the gorgeous work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do NOT use her work unless you have a license. You can buy a license and her work at CILM. The gold doodle I am using is made by Rainbow Coffi and can be found under her things at PSP Playground. It is free to join. Plug Ins used: FiltersUnlimited 2 Open a 600x600 transparent canvas. Flood fill with 95291f (or a color from your tube) Add a new raster layer and flood fill with black.On the black layer, find your Gabeemask33 and load. Source luminance checked, fit to layer, invert transparency checked, hide all mask. Merge group. On your red layer, apply DSB Flux bright noise, set at 25 and mixed. You will only apply this once for the effect, not animation. Now use your selection tool set to rectangle and draw around the inside of the mask, new raster layer, flood fill with duotone red gradient, repeats set to 5. DO NOT DE SELECT yet.Copy and paste your tube in. Place as you desire. Invert selection and delete. Select none. Activate your black mask layer and go to FiltersUnlimited2. Select Buttons&Frames>3D Glass Frame 1. Apply. Now apply your gold heart doodles or whatever doodle you choose. Apply your copyright information. Please make sure it is clear and legible!! Apply your name. I used the font SendFlowers. Black. Add a gradient glow, 3, fat, white. Save as a PNG or JPEG and you are done! Hope you created something gorgeous! ©Kitty, November 21, 2007 |