This tutorial was written by Kitty on August 17, 2008. It is registered with TWI.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coicidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tut page.
This tut was written in PSP X with that assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coicidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tut page.
This tut was written in PSP X with that assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the adorable work of Selena Fenech. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
I am using the fabulous scrap kit *Autumn Whispers* by Crimson Butterfly.
You can find her at Digital Chaos.
Go see!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can find her at Digital Chaos.
Go see!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will need the mask sg_lacebouquet-frame from Essex Girls .
You will need Mura Meister Copies and Cloud filters.
Open a 600x600 white canvas.
Paste a dark paper as a new layer and apply your mask. Invert is NOT checked.
Merge group.
Now paste the lighter color paper with torn edges and apply your mask again.
Merge group.
This just added a bit of a different color.
Paste a dark paper as a new layer and apply your mask. Invert is NOT checked.
Merge group.
Now paste the lighter color paper with torn edges and apply your mask again.
Merge group.
This just added a bit of a different color.
Paste your leaf wreat as a new layer and resize 50%.
Center in canvas and apply Mura Meisters Copies. Encircle Default settings except change number to 10.
Apply a drop shadow.
Center in canvas and apply Mura Meisters Copies. Encircle Default settings except change number to 10.
Apply a drop shadow.
paste your frame and click inside with your magic wand. Selections, modify, expand by 5.
Paste a new paper (lighter is better) and Selections invert delete. Select none.
Pull the paper layer under the frame.
Still on your paper layer, apply Mura Meister Cloud with the default setting for SMUDGE.
the bottom two colors showing in cloud should be c5a45f and 85576a.
Paste a new paper (lighter is better) and Selections invert delete. Select none.
Pull the paper layer under the frame.
Still on your paper layer, apply Mura Meister Cloud with the default setting for SMUDGE.
the bottom two colors showing in cloud should be c5a45f and 85576a.
Paste your tube as a new layer and apply drop shadow.
Open your flower corners and apply to left corner of frame. Apply a drop shadow, duplicate and mirror.
Now apply whatever embellishments you wish. use your imagination!!!!!!
Add your copyrights. Please make sure they are clear and legible.
Add your name. I used the font Snappy Script Light with a fill of 85576a. I applied a slight inner bevel, then a gradiant glow of 3, fat white and a drop shadow.
save as a Png or Jpeg and you are done with this simple tut!!!