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  • Beauty in Breeze

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on August 8,2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coicidence and not intended.
    Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tutorial list page.
    This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the stunning work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
    I am using the BEEYOUTIFUL scrap kit *Breezy Meadows* by Crimson Butterfly.
    YOu can find her at
    Digital Chaos.
    Go seee!!!
    Plug in needed: MuraMeister Copies
    Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    Copy and paste one of your flowers.
    Center in the canvas and apply mura copies, Encircle. Use default settings but change the NUMBER to 9.
    Apply a drop shadow to your flower ring.

    Copy and paste your beaded butterfly strand. Resize as needed. Place on left side of your flower ring. Apply a drop shadow.
    Duplicate and mirror.
    Open a lighter colored flower and resize a bit smaller then your dark flower ring. Center and apply Mura copies, default settings but change NUMBER to 12.
    Apply a drop shadow.
    Open one of your doodles and paste as new layer.
    Duplcate and flip. Merge this down. Duplicate and mirror.
    Paste your frame. Click inside the left side with your magic wand. Paste a closeup or tube, selections, invert, selections, delete on tube layer.
    Duplicate the tube layer, Mirror and move under other side of frame.
    Apply a drop shadow to your frame.
    Add any other elements you wish to use around your tag now. Use your imagination!! Thats what its all about!
    Add your copyright. Please make sure it is clear and legible.
    Add your name. I used the font MeaCulpa with a fill of #816a4c and a stroke 2 of #4b1709. Apply a gradiant glow of 3, fat, white. Apply a drop shadow.
    Merge flatten and save as a PNG or Jpeg and you are done!
    Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
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