This tutorial was written by Kitty on August 17, 2008. It is registered with TWI.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tutorial list page.
This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tutorial list page.
This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the fabulous work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do NOT use her work without a license from CILM.
I am using the absolutely gorgeous kit *Feathery Hugs and Butterfly Kisses* by Crimson Butterfly.
You can find her at Digital Chaos!
Go seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
You can find her at Digital Chaos!
Go seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
You will need Xenofex2 Constellation and Mura Meister Copies.
Open a 600x600 white canvas.
Paste one of your feathery papers as a background.
Then paste the torn edged paper with the feathered butterflies as a new layer.
Paste your star as a new layer and resize slightly. Move to center of the canvas.Adjust, Sharpen.
Apply mura meister Copies using Spiral default settings but change the number to 32.
Adjust, Sharpen again. and move slightly to the left of the canvas but not off the torn edged paper.
Duplicate twice for a total of three.
On the first layer, apply COnstellation using: 2, 25, 96, 0, 65,75
On the second layer, hit random seed once.
Repeat on third layer.
Close off layers two and three now.
Apply mura meister Copies using Spiral default settings but change the number to 32.
Adjust, Sharpen again. and move slightly to the left of the canvas but not off the torn edged paper.
Duplicate twice for a total of three.
On the first layer, apply COnstellation using: 2, 25, 96, 0, 65,75
On the second layer, hit random seed once.
Repeat on third layer.
Close off layers two and three now.
Choose your single feathers and resize slightly. I applied once of each to the right of the canvas at different heights.
Apply a slight drop shadow.
Apply a slight drop shadow.
Now paste your feather spray and move to left of the canvas. Resize slightly. Apply a light drop shadow. Duplicate and move to the right.
See my tag.
Merge down so they are both on same layer. Duplicate the merged layer twice for a total of three.
Apply Xenofex Constellation again this time using settings: 2.16, 6, 43, 1, 86, 55.
Repeat on layers two and three hitting random seed once for each.
See my tag.
Merge down so they are both on same layer. Duplicate the merged layer twice for a total of three.
Apply Xenofex Constellation again this time using settings: 2.16, 6, 43, 1, 86, 55.
Repeat on layers two and three hitting random seed once for each.
Now paste your feather cluster and place across the bottom of the sprays. Apply a slight drop shadow.
I resized and applied the flower to each corner as well.
Paste your tube as a new layer and drop shadow. Pull your tube down below your spray and cluster layers but above all the rest.
Now apply your copyrights. Please make sure they are clear and legible!
Apply your name. I used the font Adinekirnberg Script with a stroke 2 of 41587b and fill of 7c91aa. I applied a gradient glow of 3, fat, white and a drop shadow.
Lets animate.
Close off the top two layers of the stars and the sprays.
Copy merged into AS, paste as new layer.
Back in PSP, close off layer one and open layer two of each.
Copy merged into AS and paste after current frame.
Repeat for layers three.
Copy merged into AS, paste as new layer.
Back in PSP, close off layer one and open layer two of each.
Copy merged into AS and paste after current frame.
Repeat for layers three.
View your animation. If you are happy save as a GIF and you are done!!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.