This tutorial was written on August 17, 2008 by Kitty. It is registered with TWI.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tut page.
This tut was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tut page.
This tut was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the adorable work of Jamie Kidd. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
I am using the gorgeous scrap kit *Grunged Diva* by Crimson Butterfly.
You can find her at Digital Chaos. Go See!!!!!!!!!
You can find her at Digital Chaos. Go See!!!!!!!!!
No outside filters needed.
A mask of choice..a grungy type one is needed.
Open a 600x600 white canvas.
Paste a paper and apply your mask.
Merge group.
Merge group.
Paste your frame as a new layer.
Click inside with your magic wand, selections, modify, expand 3.
Paste a paper of choice, Selections, invert, delete on paper layer.
Pull this layer under your frame.
Paste a closeup of your tube or any part of your tube you wish and delete in each frame.
Paste your main tube in the center and apply drop shadow to tube and to frame layer.
Click inside with your magic wand, selections, modify, expand 3.
Paste a paper of choice, Selections, invert, delete on paper layer.
Pull this layer under your frame.
Paste a closeup of your tube or any part of your tube you wish and delete in each frame.
Paste your main tube in the center and apply drop shadow to tube and to frame layer.
Paste your doodles as new layer and move to left corner. Duplicate image flip.
Back on original doodle, duplicate again and image mirror.
Apply drop shadow.
Back on original doodle, duplicate again and image mirror.
Apply drop shadow.
Paste the diva word or any of her word art at the top left corner. Apply drop shadow.
Choose any embellishments you wish. Use your imaginatioN!
Add your copyright. Please make sure it is clear and legible.
Add your name. I used the font Dominque with a stroke 1 of black and fill 9f015a. Apply a gradiant glow and drop shadow.
Save as a Png or Jpeg and you are done with this very simple tut.