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  • Dragonfly Blessings

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on September 28, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
    Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowdledge of PSP.
    I am using the stunning kit *Dragonfly Blessings* by Crimson Butterfly.
    You can find her at Digital Chaos -
    I am using the fabulous work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
    I am using a tube and closeup image.
    You will need the mask Stencilled-flower-octogon from Essex Girls -
    No outside filters used.
    Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    Open the flowered frame and paste.
    Now add your tube and place UNDER the frame. Erase any bits hanging over the outside.
    Open your diamond frame and leave as is size. Add your closeup and place under this frame. Erase any bits hanging over.
    merge down so your closeup and frame are one layer.
    Apply a slight drop shadow.
    Now duplicate this layer and resize the duplicate by 90%. Move slightly left. Adjust, Sharpen more.
    Duplicate again and resize by 80% and move slightly left. Adjust, sharpen more.
    Duplicate again and resize by 70% and move slightly left. Adjust, Sharpen more.
    See my tag.
    Open your piece of notebook paper and resize.
    Place to the left and use your pICK tool to rotate to your liking.
    I used the font A&S Black Swan for the writing on the paper.
    Resize your dragonfly and again using your PICK tool rotate to your liking and place on the corner of the frame and paper.
    Apply a drop shadow.
    Above your white background paste a paper of choice and apply your mask. Invert is checked.
    Merge group.
    Add your copyrights. Please make sure they are clear and legible.
    Add your name. I used the font French Script with a stroke 2 of 552c14 and fill of ebdab2. Apply a gradient glow of 3, fat, white.
    Add a drop shadow.
    I hope you enjoyed using this awesome kit to create a taggie! use your imagination!!
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