This tutorial was written by Kitty on September 5, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the fabulous work of Olivia. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
I am also using the gorgeous kit by Crimson Butterfly *Whispered Serenity*.
You can find Krissy at Digital Chaos.
You can find Krissy at Digital Chaos.
Thanks for your gorgeous work punkin!
You will need Vixmask202. You can find this at Vix's site HERE. Please read her TOU.
Plugins used: Xenofex2 Constellation (Optional)
Lets Begin!
Open a 700x700 white canvas.
Choose three scrap papers from the kit.
Paste first one and resize by 80%. Free Rotate Left 25%.
Paste second paper and resize same. Free Rotate Right 25%.
Paste third paper and resize same. Free Rotate either way TWICE 25%.
Apply a drop shadow 2, 2, 80, 5 to each.
Paste first one and resize by 80%. Free Rotate Left 25%.
Paste second paper and resize same. Free Rotate Right 25%.
Paste third paper and resize same. Free Rotate either way TWICE 25%.
Apply a drop shadow 2, 2, 80, 5 to each.
Paste your ribboned frame as new layer.
With your magic wand, select inside the frame (dont forget the two parts under the bow).
Note: I used my pick tool to stretch the frame to a larger size.
Selections, modify, expand by 5.
Paste a paper of choice, Selections, Invert, delete on paper layer.
With your magic wand, select inside the frame (dont forget the two parts under the bow).
Note: I used my pick tool to stretch the frame to a larger size.
Selections, modify, expand by 5.
Paste a paper of choice, Selections, Invert, delete on paper layer.
Paste your tube of choice as you like it in the frame, delete on tube layer OR if you wish part of your tube to remain outside the frame you can just take your eraser tool
and rub out the parts you do not want hanging over. With the selection inverted this will work nicely.
Selections, select none. Apply same drop shadow to frame and tube.
and rub out the parts you do not want hanging over. With the selection inverted this will work nicely.
Selections, select none. Apply same drop shadow to frame and tube.
Paste a darker paper as a new layer and move to bottom. With your pick tool, stretch this paper out to fit the canvas.
Apply Vixmask 202, invert is NOT checked.
merge group.
Apply Vixmask 202, invert is NOT checked.
merge group.
Now lets choose some embellishments. You can use your imagination or follow what I did!!
I chose a diamond swirl and pasted on right of frame. Apply same drop shadow. Adjust, Sharpen.
Paste your Cherry blossoms on left side of frame. Duplicate them a couple times and resize to different sizes. Place them as a bunch.
Apply drop shadow to each and if needed erase any stems hanging over bottom of the frame.
Apply drop shadow to each and if needed erase any stems hanging over bottom of the frame.
Open your butterflies and resize them to different sizes. Place around the tag as you wish and apply drop shadows to each!
Open your rose and duplicate twice. Place them in a bunch on the corner. Merge the roses down into a single layer.
Duplicate twice for a total of three.
Apply your constellation to the first layer with the settings:
Bling Bling 2, 25, 47, 0, 100, 75, 45.
Apply to layers two and three hitting random seed once on each layer.
Duplicate twice for a total of three.
Apply your constellation to the first layer with the settings:
Bling Bling 2, 25, 47, 0, 100, 75, 45.
Apply to layers two and three hitting random seed once on each layer.
Now add your copyrights. Please make sure they are clear and legible!!
Add your name. I used the font PassionsConflict. Fill black. Gradient glow of 3, 0, 100 Fat, white. Drop shadow same as before.
Time to animate.
Close off your top two rose layers.
Copy merged into AS and paste as new animation.
Back to psp, close off layer one and open layer two.
Copy merged to AS and paste after current frame.
Back to psp and repeat for 3rd layer.
View animation.
You are done! Save as GIF.
Copy merged into AS and paste as new animation.
Back to psp, close off layer one and open layer two.
Copy merged to AS and paste after current frame.
Back to psp and repeat for 3rd layer.
View animation.
You are done! Save as GIF.
Hope you enjoyed this tut!