KnKSDesigns-4-psp - Powered by vBulletin
  • In Bloom

    This tutorial was written by Kitty on August 5, 2008. It is registered with TWI. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidence and not intended.
    Please do not copy or claim my work as your own. Please refer to my TOU at the top of my tutorial list page.
    This tutorial was written in PSPX with the assumption you have a working knowledge of PSP.
    I am using the gorgeous work of Jennifer Janesko. Please do not use her work without a license from CILM.
    I am using the awesome scrap kit *Its a Girl Thang* by Crimson Butterfly.
    You can find her at
    Digital Chaos .
    Go seee!!!!!!!!!
    Plug ins used: Xenofex Constellation (optional)
    SUPPLIES: you need a mask of your choice.
    Open a 600x600 white canvas.
    Paste a paper of choice and apply your mask. Invert NOT checked. Merge group.
    Open your oval frame and resize. Place one at the top left of your canvas. Duplcate and move diagonal to the bottom right.
    Open your square frame and place in the center of the two oval frames. Drag under the oval frame layers.
    Paste the close up or tube of choice in the top oval frame and erase any over hang. Duplicate the tube and mirror. Move under the bottom oval frame.
    Repeat with the square frame. I used a different tube here.
    Apply a drop shadow to each frame layer and tube.
    Open your black flowered doodle and using your pick tool place diagonally. See my tag for placement. Apply a drop shadow.
    Open your glass hearts and resize to different sizes and place around your tag to your liking. Add a drop shadow.
    Now open your doodle and paste. Using your pick tool turn the doodle to its diagonally opposite of the black doodles.
    Duplicate and mirror. Merge down. Duplicate the merged layer and flip.
    Now merge down again so all the pink doodles are on one layer.
    Duplicate this layer twice for a total of three.
    On your first layer apply Xenofex constellation 2 0 1 1 100 85.
    Do same on your other two layers, hitting random seed once on each layer!
    Apply your copyright. Place make sure it is clear and legible!
    Add your name. I used the font Shell with a stroke of black and a fill of #df269a. Apply a gradiant glow of 3, fat, white and add a drop shadow.
    Time to animate.
    Close off your top two doodle layers.
    COpy merged into AS as new animation.
    Back in PSP, close off the first layer and open the second. Copy merged into AS and paste after current frame.
    Repeat for third layer.
    View ani, Happy?
    Save as a GIF and you are done!
    I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
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