This Tutorial was written by me, Angel Flower, from my own ideas. Any similarities to others is coincedence. All my tutorials
are registered with TWI.
are registered with TWI.
For this tutorial you will need:
Scrapkit. I am using a PTU scrapkit called Coffee Kisses by Kellsinater which you can purchase here: http://digitalchaos.net/
A tube of choice. I am using the work of Jennifer Janesko .In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM.
New Image-600x600-transparent.
Flood Fill with white.
Paste a paper of choice as a new layer. This will be our background. If the paper is too big, go to image-resize-make sure it says percent, start with about 85%, make sure all layers is unchecked. If the paper is still too big, you can repeat this step.
Choose a frame and paste it as a new layer. Resize it if needed using the pick tool, the little arrow tool, and drag the box by a corner to the size you want.
Choose a paper for the inside of the frame. Grab your magic wand, mode is add, match mode rgb, tolerance 20, feather 0, anti alias checked, click in the empty space of your frame, mine has two empty spaces so i clicked inside both. Go to selections-modify-expand by 4.
Paste your paper as a new layer and go selections-invert-delete. Select none. Move this layer below the frame layer.
Give your frame layer a drop shadow, I used 0,0,100,5,black.
Make your background paper layer active. Paste a flower as a new layer. Resize if needed. Position to the left of your tag so it sticks out from under the frame.
See my tag for reference. Duplicate it and go image mirror, then postion it next to the first one. Again see my tag for placement.
See my tag for reference. Duplicate it and go image mirror, then postion it next to the first one. Again see my tag for placement.
Paste one of your doodles as a new layer and position to the right side of your frame. Move this layer below your flower layers. Duplicate it and go image mirror. Now you should have one on each side.
I then pasted a second doodle and positioned it kind of in the center of the tag but a little to one side. I then duplicated this layer and went to image mirror. Position in the center but a little to the opposite side of the other one. See my tag for reference. Merge these two layers together but right clicking whichever one is on top and choose layers-merge down. Duplicate and go image flip and position so it matches the one that sticks out the top. Again, see my tag for placement.
Give the two doodle layers that we didnt merge a drop shadow.
Paste your tube as a new layer. I have two parts to my frame. For the left side, i positioned my tube so the eyes were showing through the frame. Duplicate your tube and go image mirror. This is for the right side of the frame. I resized my tube and positioned so the face shows through the frame. Once happy with placement of both sides, make your frame layer active. Click in each side with the magic wand, selections-modify-expand by 6. Selections invert. Make the first tube layer active and hit delete. Now make the other tube layer active and hit delete. Select none.
Move both tube layers below the frame but above the paper.
Paste a bow as a new layer and position on the top center of the frame. Give it a drop shadow.
Make your paper background active. Paste a heart as a new layer. Resize it and position to the right of the tag so it sticks out of the frame. See my tag for reference.
Make your frame layer active and paste the journal block as a new layer. Position on the bottom center of your tag just below the frame.
Now is the time to resize your entire tag if you wish. Go to image-resize, in the drop box choose pixels, make sure lock aspcet ratio and all layers are checked. Change it to the size you want, i chose 500x500. When you change one, the other should automaticly change.
Add your copyright so it is clearly visible.
Add your name. Give your name a drop shadow, I used -1,-1,100,5,black.
Thats it, you are done!
©Angel Flower February 2009