ideas. Any similarities to others is coincedence. All my tutorials
are registered with TWI.
For this tutorial you will need
Scrapkit. I am using a PTU kit called Cover Me in Roses by Crimson Butterfly Scrapz, formerly known as Giggly Girl Scrapz. You can purchase the kit here: www.digitalchaos.net
Scrapkit. I am using a PTU kit called Cover Me in Roses by Crimson Butterfly Scrapz, formerly known as Giggly Girl Scrapz. You can purchase the kit here: www.digitalchaos.net
A tube of choice. I am using the work of Myka Jelina. In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM.
New image-600x600-transparent.
Flood fill with white.
Paste a paper as a new layer for your background. If it is too big, resize it by going to image resize, start with about 85%, make sure all layers is unchecked.
Paste a frame as a new layer. If needed, resize it using the pick tool, the arrow, and drag the box by a corner to the size you want.
Choose a paper for the inside of the frame. Make your background paper active, and paste the new paper as a new layer. Position it how you want to show through the frame.
Make you frame layer active and grab your selection tool. Make sure it is set to rectangle. Mode is add, feather 0. Draw a rectangle over your frame so it is about the same size
without going over the outer edge. Make your paper layer active and go selections-invert, and hit delete. Select none.
without going over the outer edge. Make your paper layer active and go selections-invert, and hit delete. Select none.
Make your top layer active. Open the flower ribbon and paste as a new layer. Resize it using the pick tool, the arrow, and drag it by a corner to the size you want. Position at the top
of your tag. See my tag for placement. Duplicate this and go to image flip. You should now have one on top and one on bottom.
of your tag. See my tag for placement. Duplicate this and go to image flip. You should now have one on top and one on bottom.
Place some roses as a new layer and arrange them inside your frame however you want. I put two on one side, two in the middle and two on the other side. To delete the parts that hang out,
grab your selection tool again, same settings as before and draw the selection around your frame. Go selections-invert, and on each rose layer hit delete. Select none. Move the roses below the
frame layer.
grab your selection tool again, same settings as before and draw the selection around your frame. Go selections-invert, and on each rose layer hit delete. Select none. Move the roses below the
frame layer.
Now paste charm as a new layer. If needed resize a little. Place to the left side inside the frame. Duplicate it, and mirror and position inside the frame as i have mine.
Give each charm a drop shadow of choice.
Give each charm a drop shadow of choice.
Paste your tube as a new layer. Resize it if needed. Position to the right side of your frame. Make sure this layer is above your frame layer. Give it a drop shadow.
Now is the time to resize your entire tag if you wish to do so. Go to image-resize-choose pixels in the drop box, make sure lock aspect ratio is checked, then change the size to what you want, i use 500x500.
When you change one, the other should automatcily change. Make sure all layers is checked.
When you change one, the other should automatcily change. Make sure all layers is checked.
Now add your copyright so it is clearly visible.
Add your name. Give it a drop shadow.
Thats it, you are done!
©Angel Flower February 2009