For this tutorial you will need :
PSP - any version
Animation Shop ( Optional )
Eye Candy 4 HSB Noise ( Optional - only needed if animating )
Tube & Close up of your choice - I’ve used Ellie by the awesome Pin Up Toons, available on licence from CILM You can only use this image if you hold the appropriate licence to do so!
Scrap Kit of your choice mine is called Electrify and is by the Incredible Foxy, and available from Digital Chaos! http://fall3nangel.com/store/
Thanks for letting me tut the kit Foxy :0)
A Diamond tube of your choice is optional - I haven’t supplied one as most people have one already :0)
Lastly You need my Template HERE- please do not use in other tuts without asking me first :0)
OK Lets get started ……
Open up my Template, and delete the credit layer.
Activate Layer 1,Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat - Invert
Copy and Paste a paper of your choice as a new layer ( I used paper 9 ) … position to your liking within the marching ants, and then hit delete on the keyboard. Select None - then delete my template layer.
Repeat the above step for Layer 2 - using a different paper this time ( I used paper 5 this time )
Then repeat yet again for Layer 3 ( I used paper 6 ) and then Layer 4 ( I used paper 7 )
For the heart layer - that’s layer 5 - you can either use another paper, of floodfil lit with a solid colour of your choice.
Next, activate the main Frame layer.
Select all - Float - Defloat - modify - contract by 3 - invert, and paste a paper of your choice as a new layer. Position it to cover the area selected by marching ants ( I resized mine up a little to do so ) then hit delete, select none
Next Effects - 3D effects - Inner Bevel - on the following settings :

Select all - Float - Defloat - modify - contract by 3 - invert, and paste a paper of your choice as a new layer. Position it to cover the area selected by marching ants ( I resized mine up a little to do so ) then hit delete, select none
Next Effects - 3D effects - Inner Bevel - on the following settings :

Paste your close up as a new layer and arrange it so the part you like is contained within the large rectangle that is part of the first layer we did. - Remove any parts of the tube that over lap. Give the tube a nice big drop shadow - I used Vertical 4, horizontal 15, opacity 75 blur 2 .
Paste your normal tube as a new layer, and arrange it in the main vertical rectangle on the right ( part of layer 2 ), again, remove any unwanted areas, and then drop shadow with the same settings as before, and then change the overlay blend to Luminance Legacy.
Take your diamond - or use a brad or button from the scrap kit - and resizing as needed, place one in the top left corner and one in the bottom right corner of the rectangle at the bottom left - see my tag for guide.
In a font you like, and colours to contrast with the kit and your tube, place your name in the centre of this rectangle :0)
Now use any other elements you like to decorate the tag - I put some ladybirds on a luggage tag and placed at bottom right, added a couple of bows and put butterflies of different sizes about the top left!
X out your white background layer, then Merge Visible.
Now resize to 75% - making sure that All Layer is NOT checked! Move the layer down towards the bottom of your canvas
Paste your normal tube as a new layer, and arrange it in the main vertical rectangle on the right ( part of layer 2 ), again, remove any unwanted areas, and then drop shadow with the same settings as before, and then change the overlay blend to Luminance Legacy.
Take your diamond - or use a brad or button from the scrap kit - and resizing as needed, place one in the top left corner and one in the bottom right corner of the rectangle at the bottom left - see my tag for guide.
In a font you like, and colours to contrast with the kit and your tube, place your name in the centre of this rectangle :0)
Now use any other elements you like to decorate the tag - I put some ladybirds on a luggage tag and placed at bottom right, added a couple of bows and put butterflies of different sizes about the top left!
X out your white background layer, then Merge Visible.
Now resize to 75% - making sure that All Layer is NOT checked! Move the layer down towards the bottom of your canvas
Now take a hanger of your choice and paste as a new layer - I used the dark blue one form the kit, and resized at 15% and *flipped* it so it was the right way up, and angled it slightly to one side ( rotated it by 15 degrees )
Place one at the top left corner of your tag, then duplicate it and mirror.
Now merge visible again, before opening up your white background layer again.
Take a large daisy flower like element fro your kit, and paste as a new layer - I resized mine at 85%.
Place to the left and slightly higher than your main tag, so its peeking out at the sides and top, duplicate and mirror, then merge the two flowers together.
Duplicate this merged layer, then Flip and mirror - position so that parts of the flower are now peeking out under the tag too. Merge the 2 flower layers together.
On a new layer add all copyright credits and licence details / taggers marks as needed. Position someone clearly on the tag, and merge the credit layer to the layer containing the main tag.
You can leave the tag as it is now, just name and save …. Or continue on to animate ……
OK, so we’ve now got 3 layers - Tag, flowers and white.
Activate the Flower layer and duplicate it twice, for a total of 3 flower layers.
Activate the top one, and apply HSB Noise on the following settings :

Place one at the top left corner of your tag, then duplicate it and mirror.
Now merge visible again, before opening up your white background layer again.
Take a large daisy flower like element fro your kit, and paste as a new layer - I resized mine at 85%.
Place to the left and slightly higher than your main tag, so its peeking out at the sides and top, duplicate and mirror, then merge the two flowers together.
Duplicate this merged layer, then Flip and mirror - position so that parts of the flower are now peeking out under the tag too. Merge the 2 flower layers together.
On a new layer add all copyright credits and licence details / taggers marks as needed. Position someone clearly on the tag, and merge the credit layer to the layer containing the main tag.
You can leave the tag as it is now, just name and save …. Or continue on to animate ……
OK, so we’ve now got 3 layers - Tag, flowers and white.
Activate the Flower layer and duplicate it twice, for a total of 3 flower layers.
Activate the top one, and apply HSB Noise on the following settings :

Then activate the middle one - apply the same settings, but hit RANDOM once
Then activate the last flower layer - and apply again, once more hitting RANDOM.
X out the middle and bottom flower layers, then go to Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Animation shop and paste as a new animation
Back to PSP , and X out the top flower layer, and open the middle one, again Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Ani Shop and paste AFTER current frame
Back to PSP, and X out the middle flowers and activate the bottom ones - Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Ani Shop, and again Paste AFTER current frame
Back to PSP one last time - X out the bottom copy and re open the middle one - Edit - Copy Merged
Over to Ani Shop, again Paste AFTER current frame.
Stay in Ani shop, and Edit - Select All - Animation - Frame Properties - and set it to 25.
View your animation and if you are happy with it, name and save as a gif!
NOTE : You can speed up or slow down the animation by change the frame properties - the lower the number the faster it goes!
Then activate the last flower layer - and apply again, once more hitting RANDOM.
X out the middle and bottom flower layers, then go to Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Animation shop and paste as a new animation
Back to PSP , and X out the top flower layer, and open the middle one, again Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Ani Shop and paste AFTER current frame
Back to PSP, and X out the middle flowers and activate the bottom ones - Edit - Copy Merged.
Over to Ani Shop, and again Paste AFTER current frame
Back to PSP one last time - X out the bottom copy and re open the middle one - Edit - Copy Merged
Over to Ani Shop, again Paste AFTER current frame.
Stay in Ani shop, and Edit - Select All - Animation - Frame Properties - and set it to 25.
View your animation and if you are happy with it, name and save as a gif!
NOTE : You can speed up or slow down the animation by change the frame properties - the lower the number the faster it goes!