For this tutorial you will need:
PSP - I have X but this will work in any version
Template- I made the template and its not to be used in other tuts or shared.
Tube of your choice- I have used Garv - available on licence form MPT in order to use this image you must purchase the tube from them.
Elements of your choice.
OK, start with a new 700 x 700 canvas, flood fill white.
Place my template on as a new layer..
Paste your tube on as a new layer, position to your liking in one of the main areas of the template, then duplicate and mirror it, then move into position in the 2nd area. You can invert your tube if need be - deleting any areas you don’t want to show outside the frame.
Add a HUGE drop shadow - I used 7, 13, 75, 1 black.
Activate the template layer, click inside both the main areas, and expand by 2.
Add a new raster layer, and in the materials palette set the foreground to a deep orangey colour, and check the *Texture* box on the right - use the drop down area to select the *Brick Wall * texture - Angle 0, scale 50.
Flood fill your selected areas with this colour. It should give you the brick wall effect. Select None, and drag this layer below your template.
Now select inside all 6 small areas, expand them by 2, and flood fill with black ( or use a paper of your choice ) - Drag this layer below the template layer.
Create your own word art or saying, and place it in the boxes. - I used the red from my tube, then gave it a white gradient glow to help it stand out from the black.
Activate the template layer again, and add a drop shadow f your choice to it - my shadow is 1, 2 75 5 black
X out your tube layers and white background layer, then Merge Visible everything else, then open up your tubes etc again.
Duplicate the merged layer - on the bottom copy apply a Radial Blur - Adjust > Blur > Radial use the following settings :

Now add any elements etc that you like.
Add all copyright credits and taggers marks.
Type out your name in a bold font in all caps - I used Impact. Then, as an optional extra, applied a glass filter to it, and a gradient glow before giving it a drop shadow.
I then switched fonts and Colour, and retyped the name out in a script font, and gave it the dame gradient glow.
Once you are happy, name and save as a JPEG
This Tutorial was written by Kells
for KnKSDesign-4-psp.com on March 26th 2008.
All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU