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  • Lavender Moon

    Lavender Moon
    PSP - I use 9, any version should work.
    Animation shop is optional.
    Tube of choice, I have used the stunning work of Jessica Galbreth, available on licence through CILM.
    If you don’t hold a licence to use this tube, please use something else J
    Plug- Ins - Toadies Blur Em & DSB Flux ( both optional )
    Supplies you need a scrap kit of your choice
    New 600 x 600, Floodfill with white
    Open the scrap kit up in PSP and select one of the papers.
    With your Presets - Rectangle, line width 3, foreground a dark colour from your tube, background Null.
    Draw out a rectangle to approx 450 x 300 pixels,
    Click inside the rectangle with your Magic Wand, then Selections > Modify > Expand by 2, then paste your paper as a new layer, Selections > Invert, then on the keyboard, hit your delete key. Drop this layer below the outline, and merge the two together. Add a drop shadow of your choice, and place your shape towards the left, and slightly above half way up -
    Repeat the steps above - this time drawing out a circle using your eclipse tool, and use a different paper. Same drop shadow you used before, once you’ve got it merged, duplicate it and arrange the two circles by the rectangle to your liking - or copy my placement!
    Duplicate all three shapes, close off the originals and merge the copies. Apply the Toadies Blast Em filer to the merged copy - X 14 Y 12. Then open all the layers back up.
    Copy one of the buttons of your choice, and place on the tag - erase the two you don’t want. Add a drop shadow if you like.
    OK, Now copy & paste the black flower embellishment I included in the supplies ( In the Garden Kit ), and arrange it to your liking on the tag.
    Now put your tube on and position to your liking.
    Add your text or name of choice, along with a drop shadow if you want one.
    Add any other embellishments you like - I put a pin thru one of the circles. I used dsb flux to animate the jewel of the pin- this is optional.
    To do this, simply duplicate your pin layer twice, so you have a total of 3 layers. Use your selection tool to select the area you want to animate. Highlight the 1st layer of your pin, go to Effects > Plug-Ins> DSB Flux - set it to 30, and check Mix once, then OK.
    Leave the ants marching, and move onto the 2nd layer of the pin, repeat the DSB filter - but change to 35, and click on Mix twice, and repeat a final time on the third pin layer - changing to 40 and hitting Mix 3 times.
    Close off the third and second layers.
    Edit > Copy Merged and then Paste as a new Animation in A/S
    Back to psp - close of that layer, and open up the 2nd pin layer - copy merged, and back in to A/s - paste AFTER current layer - repeat for the last pin layer.
    You can View Animation to see how it looks!
    If you are happy with it, File > Save As > Name and save as a GIF file!
    I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
    Why not stop by to show me your results!
    This tutorial was written by Kells for KnKSDesigns, on May 16th 2007
    Any resemblance to any other tutorial is accidental.
    Please feel free to bookmark this tut ,print it out for your own use but under no circumstances are you to re-write it, copy it or claim it as your own.
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