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  • Never Lonely

    For this tutorial you will need:
    PSP - I’ve used X but any version will work
    Tube & Close up of choice - mine are the wonderful works © Jennifer Janesko- available on licence from CILMIn order to use this image you must purchase the appropriate package and licence.
    Outside plugins - Tramages Tow the Line
    Scrap kit of your choice - I’ve used Serina‘s Passion from Missy - Visit Misfits Blog - Thanks Missy :0).
    Also Used is Template # 20 from Yvette - found on her blog
    Thanks Yvette :0)
    And lastly - a mask of your choice - Mine was mask # 117 from WeeScotsLass who can be found
    Open up the Template by Yvette, and delete the Copyright / credit layer..
    Activate the layer containing the thin vertical strip on the left side - Selections > Select All > Float > Defloat > Modify > Contract by 2.
    Paste a paper of your choice as a new Layer then Selections > Invert, and on the keyboard hit delete. Select None, and merge the paper layer down onto the template layer.
    Repeat this step for the thin horizontal rectangle along the bottom, using the same paper.
    Activate the Circle layer - Select all > float > Defloat > modify and contract by 2 again. This time Paste your close up as a new layer - arrange it to sit inside the circle, and then selections ? Invert and on keyboard hit delete to remove the excess. Select None, and then on the palette, change the overlay to Luminance Legacy. Merge the image to the circle.
    Duplicate this merged layer. On the bottom one go to Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur > and set 15.
    On the same layer, apply Tramages Tow the Line filter with the following settings > 38, 48, 23, 17.
    Duplicate this layer again, to strengthen the effect. Now merge together the 2 with the filters applied, and then ensure the *plain* image circle is on top of them.
    Next activate the layer containing the dark *frames*. Select all > float > Defloat > and paste a paper of your choice as a new layer, Selections > Invert and on keyboard hit delete, select none then Merge paper layer to template layer.
    Activate the pale grey * rectangles* later - select all float and Defloat as before, and then paste a paper as a new layer and invert it - leave the selection active, and paste your tube as a new layer - position it to your liking so it fills the vertical rectangles and then hit delete on the keyboard. Again leave the selection on, and paste your tube again - this time arranging into the bottom rectangles - repeat this until all your rectangles are filled, then Select None.
    Activate the white background layer, and paste a paper of your choice as a new layer. Apply your chosen mask, then Merge Group, and resize the mask layer at 85% smart size. Move this mask up toward the top left corner of the tag, then Duplicate it, Mirror and flip, before merging the 2 mask layers together.
    Now you can add any other embellishments and elements of your choice - I added a ribbon wrap to 2 of my rectangles, the string of beads, and some bows across the bottom :0)
    I also made some word art and placed it to the top right of my tag :0)
    Of course you now need to add all copyright and credits on a new layer :0)
    Finally, type out your name in a font size and colour of your liking, and place on the tag.
    Merge , name and save :0)
    This Tutorial was written by Kells
    for on July 23rd 2008.
    All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
    Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU
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