More to beauty than Black and White
PSP, I used X but any will work.
3 tubes of choice - from the same artist, my spectacular ladies are the work of Paul John Ballard , available on licence from CILMIn order to usethese images you must visit them to purchase the appropriate tubes on licence
I have not included any supplies with this tutorial as I do not have permission to share those I used, sorry.
The Misted Rose image is by Rainbow Coffi - available from PSP Playground - - you need membership there, but it is free and there are no posting or participation requirements.
Optional - I used EyeCandy 3 - Glass on the font J
OK Lets start.
Open and minimise your supplies and tubes.
New canvas at 600 x 600, Floodfill with white.
Rectangle preset, foreground white, background null. Line width set to 10.
Draw out a rectangle approx 500 x 350 pixels ( depending on the size of your main tube )
Objects > align > centre in canvas.
Convert to raster layer.
Selections > Select All > Float > Defloat > modify > expand 5 pixels
New layer, Floodfill with black, Select none.
Drag the black layer below the white outline, activate the white outline and merge visible.
Repeat the process, but this time using the square preset, and making your area about 120 pixels square. And instead of aligning to the centre, position in top left corner, so the square and rectangle slightly overlap
Once you have it merged, duplicate it then mirror > flip.
Grab your magic wand and click inside one of the squares. Selections > Modify > expand by 2.
Paste one of tubes as a new layer, and arrange so an area you like is selected within the marching ants. Selections > Invert and then on the keyboard hit delete.
Drag this layer down below the square. Repeat the process for the other square, using a different tube.
X out your white background and the main rectangle, then Merge Visible.
Open all your layers again, and have the main white background as active.
Open up the element of the misted rose, and Image > Greyscale ( or colourise to match your tag ), then paste the rose onto your tag as a New Layer.
Grab the magic wand again, and select the inside of the main rectangle - again, expanding by 2 pixels.
Take your 3rd tube, and paste as a new layer, arranging it into the selected area, before inverting and deleting any excess.
Add all copyrights and credits now.
Select none and merge Visible.
Take the diamond element and place on the corners of the squares, to your liking.
Colourise the small satin bow and place on the tag , one on the bottom of the top square and one on the right hand side.
The roses can be used as they are, or colorized to match your tag….. Paste as new layer , then place across the top of the rectangle.
Colourise the other bow and place one on the top of the rectangle and one at the bottom. Place diamonds in the centres.
I also used a gathered ribbon element on my tag J
Lastly, type out your name in a bold font - I used Impact, in all capital letters.
If you want to, apply the Glass filter from Eye Candy ( I used Eye Candy 3 )
My settings :
Written by Kells, December 5th 2007.
Please do not re-write, distribute or claim as your own, look at my ToU