For this tutorial you need:
PSP - I used X but any version will work.
Scrap Kit of choice - I’ve used * Mediterranean* By Lisa at Sophisticated Scraps - http://sophisticatedscraps.blogspot.com/
Brushes of Choice
Tube of choice - My lady is called *Take it or Leave it * and she is by the extremely talented Artist Jennifer Janesko, available on Licence from CILM - You can only use her if you purchase the licence to do so.
OK lets get going…………..
New canvas at 650 x 650 and flood fill with white.
Take the circular frame and paste as a new layer onto your canvas.
Click inside with your magic wand, Modify- Expand by 10 pixels, and paste a paper of your choice into the area, Selections - Invert, and on the keyboard, hit delete, Select None.
Drag the paper layer below the frame.
Grab your Tube, and paste as a new layer. I selected a tube that almost fitted inside the frame - then Promoted areas of it and dragged these above the frame.
On a new layer, add all your Copyright Credits and taggers mark if you use one.
Activate your circular frame again, and duplicate it, resize to 50%, and drag it up towards the top left hand corner of the tag - so its partially hidden by the main tag. Again, click inside it with the magic wand, expand by 10 again and paste the same paper you used before, invert the paper layer and hit delete on the keyboard. Drag the paper below the frame, and then merge the 2 together. Duplicate this new merged layer, and resize by 50% again, and position so it over laps the main tag and the smaller circle -

Grab a flower element of your choice and paste over the 2 small circles to your liking.
Activate your very bottom white background layer, and add a new raster layer. On this layer add some brushes of your choice in a muted shade from your tube or the frame. Then apply another layer and add different smaller, darker brushes.
Lastly add your name in a font of your choice - or like, me, use the alphabet from the kit - I alternated between 2 of the alphas on each letter :0)…. Add a drop shadow to your name layer.
Save as a Jpeg and you are all done :0)
This Tutorial was written by Kells
for KnKSDesign-4-psp.com on February 29th 2008.
All ideas and concepts are my own, any similarities to any other is accidental.
Please do not redistribute, re-write or claim as your own, see my ToU